Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Scrapbooking and Researching

Elly mentioned scrapbooking in 3 different monthly letters with respect to Lilliput’s. My wife used to sell Creative Memories scrapbooking supplies, which is an industry that pretty much requires that you create the opportunity for people to use your produce, i.e. cropping parties. It was 3 years of having people over at our house almost every week. I had not really snarked it in the monthly letters. One of the letters talked about Elly bringing in a professional photographer to teach the scrapbooking ladies proper photo composition. I asked my wife if that was a good idea for a scrapbooking party and she informed me that it was interesting, but not a very good idea for scrapbookers, most of whom do not desire to be professional photographers. Like many of these kinds of home-based business activities, the main objective is female socializing.

I spent most of the day doing research posts. Like “What is Elizabeth’s Mtigwaki nickname?” (Growling Bear) and “What is traditional Icelandic music?” (rímur chants & intonation, and the langspil & lyre) and “What is the reason that Alexandra Love wanted to break up with Jeremy Jones?” (I still have no idea. Many reasons were given though.) aprilp_katje posted as Eva (Ava) for the first time today and listed that Alexandra Love had gone back to the states. This is what spurred Jeremy on to address this question and what should be his last comment regarding Alexandra Love, barring somebody picking her up again. Plus I wanted to drop a post that showed Eva as being more involved with the FBoFW cast, so it would not seem such a great change, when Eva does finally reappear in the strip as hanging out with April, Gerald and Duncan.

Tomorrow’s strip: Frick! Elly is interested in where her children are going? That’s news to me. Let me see. April as horse whisperer has never been discussed by Elly. April’s relationship with Gerald never mentioned, except that Elly sent April to the horse farm to keep them apart. We have never seen Gerald and April on a date for it to be mentioned otherwise. April’s choice of university or whether or not she is even going to university. I don’t recollect any character discussing that, not even April.


Blogger April Patterson said...

Now she's only interested in keeping her from breeding too early. ;)

Re. the scrapbooking and having a professional photographer teach cropping. I remember a film teacher of mine telling us about a failed idea of his--teaching people how to edit their home movies. These folks couldn't stand the idea of losing any of their home-movie footage, as it was all precious to them. :)

6:50 AM  

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