Saturday, January 28, 2006


adrianne_p put in her Alex&Eva blog that Alexandra Love now hates Jeremy Jones, but it did not really manifest itself on April’s Real Blog until today. There were many times when I was sorely tempted to have Jeremy be hurt by the Alex&Eva blog entry, but I resisted temptation. I figure that Jeremy Jones would not even check that blog anymore out of deference for Alexandra. However, in the April’s Real Blog, Alexandra’s entry on the 2 lies and 1 truth gave it away, if I allowed the Jeremy read it. So, I succumbed to temptation and decided to put on sad sack Jeremy once again. The reason being, I think Jeremy can accept that Alexandra never loved him, but would be hurt by the thought that she hated him. It would tap into his deepest desire to not be like his father, who is despised by his mother. So, I tried to post around that subject and throw in enough humourous asides that it would not become maudlin.

Constable Paul Wright entered again today, being able to once again take something written about Elly and turn it into a praise machine for her. I expect that when Paul and Elly meet again, Paul will suck up to Elly until it makes me nauseous. So, I am trying to lay the groundwork for that meeting. I also continued the line of the Paul posts that relies on the interpretation of and cow-towing to the meows of Shiimsa. I still marvel at how much material I have been able to work off that January Pets monthly letter. qnjones followed up nicely, and we had a little dialogue going on that theme.

Howard went to his dance competition with Dennis North, culminating the whole purpose for getting together with him in the first place. That is to snark Dennis North specifically and the portrayal of gays in Milborough in general, i.e. how they are all wonderful contributors to society and they don’t flaunt their homesexuality. I went back through the Dennis North strips in 2003 and 2004, and found he was a surprisingly well-developed character, even though he spent far too much time stating the obvious to Liz, about her relationship with Anthony. I found there was a statement that I had ignored at the time, that makes a lot more sense now, 3 years later. It was:

So what’s the story?...Anthony got himself married, but he still loves you. Am I right? And you still care for him. ‘Cause if that’s the case, you have to stay completely away from him.

Suddenly I realized why it was that Liz went all the way to Mtigwaki to teach. It was to “stay completely away from” Anthony. I am still looking forward to Anthony’s first encounter with the good constable, and sincerely hope that Lynn will not rob of us of that moment.


Blogger howard said...

Of course Liz would say, "I am making this sacrifice so Anthony's marriage has a chance."

4:55 AM  

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