Tuesday, October 03, 2006

My Friends are Jerks Part II

In today’s For Better or For Worse, the easy theme word was insensitive, largely because April’s gag didn’t make any sense and keyed off that word.

Shannon Lake: I fully expect her to appear before the end of the week to comfort April, since Eva and Gerald were both made out to be insensitive. I have played her as angry April has chosen Eva as her Becky comfort instead of Shannon, but she will get over it very rapidly, if she appears in the strip this week and gives April comfort. Shannon usually runs in 2-3 strip sets, so I expect it will be Thursday or Friday when she appears, if she is going to appear.

Jeremy Jones: Jeremy is probably set for his last ever strip appearance at the end of the month during the Gym Jam sequence. Most likely he will appear as a Becky flunky, and not have much to say beyond a few words. I seriously doubt he will be a Becky love interest in the strip, since Becky’s friends seem to be limited to nerdy girls. I enjoyed playing off susannamoodie’s idea that the Eva / Duncan relationship is all made up by Eva and mentally forced on Duncan, by having Jeremy confused as to whether or not he has actually been dating susannamoodie’s Zandra Larson character.

Michael Patterson: Today was fun with Michael because he got to point out the obvious, which was, April and her sister Elizabeth stink at making friends. Moreover, Lynn Johnston has clearly not put the time into developing April’s friends Duncan and Gerald into anything more than generic over the 10 years they have been in the strip. They are like the Enjos were to Mike and Liz, bland and colourless undeveloped characters. On the other hand, Lynn lavished time on Lawrence, Gordon, and Josef Weeder, and it really shows.

Howard Bunt: He drew the straw for the contrast dialogue to the strip, where Grandpa Jim’s stroke was compared to Howard’s trial in a very insensitive manner.

Constable Paul Wright:
My plans for him are to use old Elizabeth teaching stories in Mtigwaki to comparison / contrast to his recounting Susan Dokis stories doing the same kind of thing. I expect he will not do anything in the strip until Christmas, so that will keep him busy for awhile. Most likely he will break up with Liz over Christmas, so the good constable will be disappearing from April’s Real Blog. I need to get in my Mtigwaki snark before then.

Tomorrow’s strip:
Filler strip and if they bring in Shannon Lake to complete the week, then this strip kind of breaks the “I need comfort.” momentum.


Blogger April Patterson said...

Everybodylovesyounoonehatesyou! :)

4:48 PM  
Blogger howard said...

That's good to know, since Stephanie seems to be spitting out lot of hate over at the FOOBiverse.

10:51 PM  

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