Sunday, September 24, 2006

Visiting an Old Friend

I went up to Phoenix today to visit with an old high school friend who lives in Hawaii (good guess with Alaska though, aprilp_katje) and comes stateside every 3 years or so. We had a good visit and went to the Desert Botanical Gardens with my son. My wife and daughter were busy at the same time seeing the Cheetah Girls / Hannah Montana concert. If you don’t who they are then you don’t have a pre-teen or tween daughter. Thanks to aprilp_katje for assuming various character forms to tell people where I was, indirectly. It was a lonely day for aprilp_katje, and I wish I had had the time to give Constable Paul Wright’s perspective on matters, but there was not a lot for me to snark, because today’s strip was a pretty good one.

Tomorrow’s strip: Anne Nichols reappears, and I have some potential Howard material there, since I have previously indicated that Howard hates Anne’s food.


Blogger April Patterson said...

I did actually think of Hawaii, but for ARB purposes, I thought Alaska made sense. :)

4:09 AM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

Oh, and my first thought upon reading today's strip is--this is SNARK! And a shout out. :)

4:55 AM  
Blogger howard said...

You have drawn the conclusion that Elly ate the prime rib, while driving, which is definitely a snark shout-out to ARB Elly, who could do it. Of course strip Elly bit through a phone book, so I guess she could do this too. My first thought was that Elly sure makes some nasty sounds when she is hungry. I suppose we will find out tomorrow which of us is right.

6:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to talk about yesterday's entry--I agree, there is a Sundayverse. I really think this strip was an illustration of Liz's visit over Labor Day weekend, sort of, except for the fact that it's too fall-like for that. I'm guessing we will see the storyline played out as previously expected.

11:41 AM  
Blogger howard said...

I have been playing Paul so he could land on either side, just to be safe. I think what happens between Anthony and Liz during the Howard Bunt trial is crucial. Every other strip with Liz and the monthly letters say Anthony is the one, but this last Sunday strip and Paul Wright's last name say Paul is the one. So, it looks shaky for Paul.

In October, if Liz does not cut Anthony off, then I predict a breakup in December. But if Liz does cut Anthony off, then I predict a proposal in December from Paul.

1:15 PM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

Erg, Howard, you're probably right and we'll end up seeing Elly bring the stupid prime rib to her stupid dad. They shouldn't give her the nasty eating sounds if she's not eating!!! :(

5:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, the tables have definitely tipped back in Paul's favor--I'm about 60% Anthony, 40% Paul now.

But, I can't believe they would build Anthony up like this and then dish him out another disappointment. I don't believe Lynn is going to give him anything but his dream woman. Even if they gave him a Martha McRae type, that would still be second best, and I don't think we're going to see Mr. Great Catch have to settle.

Also, no Patterson has ever called Paul a great catch. I don't think Lynn would set it up to have Liz marry a guy who is nice, but does not compare in the eyes of the Pattersons to a "better," available guy who also wants her.

And we would finally see a real, "good" blended family in this strip. I could see Lynn believing that would be her crowning achievement: to end the strip with a family that mirrors what her own was when she married Rod Johnson.

Has it occurred to anyone else that "Rod Johnson" sounds like a porno name?

8:20 PM  
Blogger howard said...

Many times.

10:42 PM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

And don't forget his middle name is John. Rod John Johnston!

3:28 PM  

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