Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I got to spend the evening walking the kiddies around. At ages 8 and 11, they whipped through the neighbourhood with extreme ease, as opposed to past years, when they would quit shortly into it. When I was 10 years old, my mother declared that to be my last Halloween for trick-or-treating, but judging from the number of teenagers I saw on the streets, they apparently do not follow my mother’s rules in Tucson. Me either, since my boy went at age 11. Judging from the lack of participation on April’s Real Blog today, I must presume most of the usual posters were busy with Halloween preparations also.

One thing we did miss in For Better or For Worse was the annual trick-or-treating with children episode with Robin and Merrie. Since the strip is supposedly done in September, 2007, then what this means is that we never got to see Merrie happily trick-or-treating without some disaster occurring.

Today in For Better or For Worse, we get to see 4Evah&Eva perform with Uncle Phil, their secret weapon. And we have evil Becky acknowledge their ability, or rather Phil’s ability. This will lead in to tomorrow’s strip where Becky suffers humiliation because her sound equipment stops working. This, gentlemen, is why we do sound checks before performances.

Since Jeremy Jones has been pitched as Rebecca’s sound man, and I have been doing April’s Real Blog posting to that effect, it makes me think we might be getting ready for Jeremy’s first appearance this year. It is very difficult for me to say, because although Becky has been giving lip service to Jeremy, we have not see Jeremy. Becky’s sycophants have been almost entirely homely and nerdy girls. I have high hopes for Jeremy, particularly since I have been doing a running joke on Jeremy looking 40 for a good year now, and I am curious if Lynn will continue with that, or have Jeremy look his age.


Blogger April Patterson said...

We took our 3.5-year-old out for his very first trick-or-treating experience last night. He couldn't believe such a great thing existed! When our next door neighbors put his first candy into his bag, he just sort of stared into it for about a block. :)

No one here seems to enforce your mom's rule either, as there was a definite teenage faction last night. We gave out candy after we returned from our t-or-t circuit.

I hope we get to see Jeremy, too, though I have a weird feeling Becky has dumped him. Maybe that will be the reason for this disaster!

4:26 AM  
Blogger howard said...

I have the "Jeremy is dumped" feeling also. He has not appeared in awhile and when Becky has appeared she has not mentioned him when she discusses her career. On the other hand, if we are in the final year, Becky attacking Jeremy on the loss of sound, would be a good means of getting his last appearance in before the end of the strip, and showing Becky to be bitchy to boot.

5:46 AM  
Blogger howard said...

Halloween here is like what you remember as a kid in the 1980s. Decorated houses, everyone wears a costume, etc. My wife dressed up in her "Twister the Game" outfit to hand out candy, and we encountered many dressed up adults while we were walking about. Thanks to being in warm Arizona, many of the adults put a table and chairs outside, so they could more easily see the kids and their costumes and talk to the adults walking them around. After we were done trick-or-treating, we went to the local firehouse, where the firemen had put together a haunted house with miniature Halloween carnival games. We were asked "Scare or No Scare." My girl said, "No Scare," which was a little disappointing for me personally, but the haunted house wasn't for me after all.

8:44 AM  
Blogger howard said...

You will just have to come to Arizona for your next Halloween.

4:23 PM  
Blogger howard said...


I would love it if you sat on my front porch, or as we refer to it in Arizona, decorative rocks, scaring the pee out of little kids. My boy is allergic to cats, even though he loves them.

10:30 PM  

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