Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Today's For Better or For Worse explanation from Deanna about the Kelpfroths setting the fire did not match Mike's in the monthly letters. A little research confirmed fire scene investigation is usually not concluded that fast. So, neither Deanna nor Mike's stories match and they both insist on describing what happened, which they could not know from first hand observation. of them knows more about the fire than they are telling. Conspiracy theories started to come to mind, but I decided to bring in Sgt. Royalson, in case our anonymous poster decided to take the ball and investigate the Pattersons. That didn't happen, but I enjoyed the innuendo.

As for me and my house, we enjoyed a lazy Christmas. We sat around and played with toys and watched newly received videos. I got the new Weird Al Yankovic CD, and we were watching the videos to go along with the songs. My son said, "These aren't violent and bloody are they daddy?" I said, "Yes they are." I had never seen them, so I was just joking with my son and he didn't believe me. Then we got to the Weasel-Stomping Day song, where the video is done in claymation with very black humour on weasels being stomped. My son got up and left the room. Later on, he made me promise not to show those videos to him again.

Tomorrow's strip: We finally bring in Weed, Carleen and Lovey with their very first appearance together in the strip. We learn that they are essentially unscathed and the Kelpfroth's condition gets its first mention. No sympathy, just more Kelpfroth hate.


Blogger April Patterson said...

BTW--regarding the discrepancy between Deanna's telling and Mike's, I loved the "meta" comment the other day regarding two different storytellers who did not consult with one another. :)

3:35 PM  
Blogger howard said...

I'm glad you liked the "meta" comment. Unfortunately that's the only reasonable explanation for the discrepancy. It does not explain why they wouldn't talk to each other though.

4:28 PM  

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