Sunday, December 17, 2006

Foob on Drugs

Lynn Johnston, or I should say rather her colourist, loves to use rainbows and vivid colours to indicate the music of the young. We had panel after panel of that with Liz and April wrapping presents with their eyes closed. I had to whip out a quick Constable Paul Wright post to point out that Liz had consistent taste in BOOMP BOMP music and then had Michael Patterson hint that April and Liz might have been using drugs.

When it comes to alcohol, Lynn Johnston definitely does not portray Elly and John as teetotalers, and in fact, Elizabeth herself has been known to have drunken weekends and seems to revel in them. I also thought that letting Michael have a roommate nicknamed Weed, was a pretty obvious indication that Mike was smoking marijuana in university, without actually showing it. So, when we see psychedelic colours and April and Liz wrapping presents in a less than precise fashion, some things can be inferred.

For me personally, it was off to church and then a matinee performance of the Tucson Symphony Orchestra and Chorus for their holiday pops concert and then back to church for a Bible Study and then home. I was quite excited to see that graytail088 and the_berserker and qnjones and aprilp_katje had accepted the drug use theme with great enthusiasm with several very funny posts across the board. I love when that happens.

Tomorrow’s strip: If the focus has shifted back onto Mike and family in the week before Christmas, then this creates a problem with the idea that Constable Paul Wright is coming at Christmas and we get to see the end of the Howard Bunt trial with Anthony. I am getting a strong feeling Paul is going to cancel on Christmas and Liz like the Michael Patterson / Rhetta Blum breakup, with a phone call. The other possibility is treating the story in flashback, but you still have to allow enough strips to set that up. I’m going with phone call.


Blogger April Patterson said...

With any luck, we'll have a mid-week shift, maybe with Mike an' Dee bringing the littles to Milborough for the family gathering. And Paul arrives! And Anthony runs away screaming, never to be seen again. Well, a girl can dream. :)

4:44 PM  
Blogger howard said...

A mid-week shift would be good. I suspect you are completely correct about the littles coming to Milborough for the family gathering.

As for Paul arriving, well that I am not sure about. If Paul walks in and says, "Glad to be here, and I will be living here permanently in January", then the whole Anthony is essentially off, and I don't see Lynn putting together the wedding, Michael's best-selling book, the move to Milborough, the comeuppance of the Kelpfroths in 9 months, if she also has to write in a plotline of Paul moving South, finding something he doesn't like about it, and moving back North. In my mind, she has to knock him out quickly, for it to work. But the opportunity to have Liz jump all over him for not supporting her during the trial, will not work, if Paul's arrival is coupled with an announcement of his transfer. I wouldn't be surprised if Paul doesn't actually show up, and instead calls and says he changed his mind. That way, Lynn is rid of him, and can get Anthony to the altar by September with a New Years' Eve proposal. You know I am starting to think of Paul and Anthony as Mr. B, and Buttsy, in terms of the ability to rapidly replace. Now, if Liz ends up with Constable Paul Wright, after all this to-do with Anthony, then I will be the first to congratulate her on an excellent red herring.

8:05 PM  

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