Saturday, August 12, 2006

When the Creature’s Away

Today’s strip in For Better or For Worse received about as much praise as I have seen from the FOOBiverse’s Journalers as I have seen come out of that group in a long time. A little while back I wrote about how the strip had gotten away from showing physical affection between the characters and this caused the characters to seem less appealing to the readers. So, I was quite satisfied to read the FOOBiverse’s Journal comments as a validation of that particular hypothesis. If any Lynnions read my column, I give you a big thank you and I hope you will have learned your lesson. If John and Elly act like they love each other, no matter how poorly drawn it is, the readers will start to like them again.

On the other hand, the love dialogue was stilted as usual, and provided yet another strong arena for snarking, as each character could use the strip as a basis for their own loving or for observing their parent’s loving. Shannon Lake today threw up because she had too much popcorn, which is from an incident taken from one of my children recently. A lot of times my boy complains about the slightest ache and pain, and says, “Ow” when he is touched slightly or even thinks he is going to be touched. So, during a family picture-taking session, which occurred after going to see a movie, where popcorn was eaten, my boy started complaining his stomach hurt. We said, “Stand here for a minute for the picture and then we’ll take you to the bathroom.” Needless to say, we should have gone straight to the bathroom. The second part of the story comes from an old girlfriend of mine, who told me a story about how she went on a date and came back early from feeling sick, and did literally walk in on her mom and dad naked in the living room. The combination of these two stories made up the Shannon Lake story.

Tomorrow’s strip: Sprinkler humour. We haven’t seen sprinkler humour since this strip, and the joke is different from the one back in August, 2003. It is interesting to see a sprinkler be used more than once for a Sunday colour strip. Edgar sleeps for an hour on top of a sprinkler. Maybe someone in one of the commentaries will tell a story about how their dog did that, but all the years we had dogs, this situation never occurred. Our dogs liked running through ponds and streams, but they avoided sprinkler water.


Blogger April Patterson said...

Maybe Elly has spent the past three years secretly training Edgar to sleep on the sprinkler, as revenge for John's prank? ;)

4:13 AM  
Blogger howard said...

Considering how long Elly went from talking about retirement to actually retiring, I would not put such a long lead on Elly revenge past Lynn Johnston.

However, I suspect it is the Lynnions doing variations on past strips, as they like to do.

8:03 AM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

I agree--the Lynnions are heavily into recycling the old strips.

8:50 AM  
Blogger howard said...

Is it a lack of original ideas or simply fear of Lynn? I suppose we will never know.

8:59 AM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

Probably a muesilixxy mix of both? ;)

2:36 PM  
Blogger howard said...

Or a Moose Licks-ie mix.

3:36 PM  

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