Sunday, July 09, 2006

Back from Vacation

I and the kids just got back from a week long vacation at Garden City, South Carolina (near Myrtle Beach). At long last, I finally got my kids to go to a beach where the water is not freezing cold (as it is on the California beaches) and my kids’ response was that they didn’t like the beach because of the taste and sting of salt water. Oh well. We had a pool at the house my dad rented for us and all the rest of his immediate family and my daughter and her cousin that is about her age rarely left the pool. We were close enough to the ocean to see fireworks set off every night and on July 4th, it went on for hours and hours. It was easily the best fireworks display I have seen in a long, long time.

I read the newspaper every day, and I thought how terrible it was that Paul Wright wasn’t posting his reaction every day, but then I considered that he probably would not post anything, while he was visiting Milborough. It would seem too odd. So, that worked out all right. Howard and Jeremy were on tour and even though I am back, I don’t think they are coming back any time soon. The exception is this: The mall talent contest mentioned in the monthly letters. April’s Real Blog has taken the stance that it has already occurred, which is reasonable considering the way Michael’s monthly letter was written. However, given that April is now scheduled to be shipped off to Winnipeg in August, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a July appearance of that contest. If Becky is a competitor, then the tour will come back to Milborough for the contest.

Tomorrow’s strip starts a Michael story arc, and although I have been posting as Michael recently, I am uncertain how to proceed, given that Michael has taken some excellent shots from April’s Real Blog lately on his book, and it might be funnier to not have him respond. By the way, I have the same problem with ceiling fans Michael has, except when they keep me awake, I turn them off.


Blogger howard said...


It's good to be missed. I think the ARB will go through another lonely time without you. I have yet another vacation planned next week, when I have to accompany my boy to Boy Scout Camp on top of the local Mt. Lemmon. This will approximately correspond to your trip.

4:37 AM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

Oh, noooooes! Don't both of you leave me!!!! ;)

Hope you have a wonderful time--will miss you, as usual!

And welcome back, Howard! :)

4:47 AM  
Blogger howard said...

Thanks for the welcome back. I will try to fill your days with snark, so you will still be enjoying that snark feast while I am gone next week.

5:22 AM  

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