Thursday, June 22, 2006

I didn’t know it was that Susan Dokis!

This is probably my excuse for tomorrow. In the strip, as qnjones so rightly pointed out over at the FOOBiverse’s Journal, this whole sequence occurred because Liz never talks to anyone about anything. Susan Dokis can’t be that common a name and Paul would have recognized it or asked about it, if Liz talked to him about things other than string theory. On April’s Real Blog we don’t have that excuse. Now, I am really hoping that Liz does not break up with Paul in favour of Susan in the coming week. Because there is so much mischief Paul can do with Susan while Liz is in Mississauga. There is a real possibility it could occur though. Some person on the FOOBiverse’s Journal awhile back, ran into Lynn Johnston at some book-signing where Lynn appeared to not even remember Paul Wright, so we could be kissing goodbye to the good Constable next week.

In any case, I love the Liz strips. She always gets people worked up. Or rather I should say, the idiotic way she is handled in the strip, always gets people worked up. When Elly buys graveyard plots, we are bored to tears. But Liz and her insane love and work life, are interesting, even if they are incredibly stupid.

Tomorrow, we have the “prom” or “end of year dance” scheduled to occur. I will not be able to support this for very long. I will be on the road to Glendale tomorrow evening. So, no new Howard Kelpfroth blogs for a couple of days. Have fun snarking without me, and I will see you again either late Sunday or early Monday.


Blogger April Patterson said...

::hides all the worms::

4:50 AM  
Blogger howard said...

4:50 AM. I think if I had been in town, it would have been a worm feast.

7:44 PM  

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