Monday, March 13, 2006

Back in the Saddle Again

It was good to be snarking again after a very busy weekend. The main focus of the day was the young lad Jeremy. aprilp_katje had so kindly made one-strip Eva an invisible character, mainly because the March monthly letters and strips have turned one-strip Eva into an invisible character. I decided Jeremy would be the only one who could see her, and I started envisioning life with Jeremy and Eva under these circumstances. Jeremy’s unfortunate tendency to always tell the truth would not serve him well in this situation. If it happened to me and I was aware that no one else could see or remember my friend, I am sure that I would shut my big trap, so I could insure that I would be able to continue to protect my friend, which I certainly could not do if I were locked up in the loony bin. But I have intentionally painted Jeremy as not too bright. I sent Jeremy and Eva off to visit the queen of not being remembered, Fiona Brass, the cousin of John Patterson who lives in the same town as the Pattersons, but has been conveniently forgotten since April was born. I had written about Fiona before, mainly through the character of Howard, who has been her lover and her coworker in a restaurant. So, I picked up where I left off on that relationship. Fiona gives Eva what I consider to be very good advice for whomever decides to post as Eva. Develop your character beyond those things that were written about you in the one strip in which you appeared and the monthly letters, similar to what I have done with the character of Howard. I am pretty sure Eva will never appear in the strip again and I am reasonably sure she will not show up in any more monthly letters, considering the way a whole plotline involving Eva and the reuniting of the band 4Evah was introduced in the February letters and dropped completely in the March letters and strips. Aprilp_katje has been posting as Eva, but has made it clear she does not want to be permanently associated with her. So, I plan to have a little fun with her and get some posts back and forth with aprilp_katje in the process.

Howard. I had been anxious to get Howard over to snark the grandpa Jim monthly letter and qnjones provided the opportunity by suggesting that Becky’s father Thorvald’s new night club could feature the New Bentwood Rockers during the weekdays. This, of course, would not work, since the New Bentwood Rockers are too close to death to have that kind of work schedule. Nevertheless, Howard could be recruited to ask them, and I worked in the monthly letter snark I wanted to work in.

Constable Paul Wright. The good constable points out that April is obsessing about food i.e. getting fat. And honestly, the last several strips show April packing on the pounds in her butt and legs. She eats junk food late at night, and her butt is starting to get big enough to give Elly a run for her money.

Tomorrow’s strip: At last Yahoo returns. In tomorrow’s strip, we get to see yet another humiliation of April, as she begins what will undoubtedly be running to Connie in fear of creaking noises in her house. I have actually known of a grown woman who did this. A next-door neighbour of ours back in Texas ran over one night when her husband was out of town on a business trip and it was thundering and lightning outside. She was cute, I thought. Her husband was less amused to hear the story when he got back.

It is possible that this is first time that April has ever spent the night in a place alone in her entire life, so it is reasonable for her to be afraid. However, considering the great stink she made about Connie in the first place, I would think she would rather be murdered in her sleep than to run to Connie for help. Because you know Connie is going to tell the story to Elly and they are going to get a good laugh about anxious April. If I were April, I would not run to Connie if I could at all possibly avoid it. However, April is a Patterson and the only thing Pattersons fear more than being humiliated is confrontation, even if it is confronting the source of the household noises. My bet is she is going to run to Connie.


Blogger howard said...

Nobody loves me. Everybody hates me. Guess I'll eat some worms.

9:03 PM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

Awww, y'know I loves ya!

7:12 AM  

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