Thursday, February 14, 2008

Battle of the Foobish Food

One of my favourite stories is the one where my mother was determined to get my sisters to eat spaghetti with onion in the sauce. My sisters steadfastly refused to do it, and unlike me, who never had an occasion where I refused food, going without a meal was not any problem to my sisters. My mother would slice and dice and run the blender on that onion, so it was nearly invisible. But my sisters would check over their spaghetti sauce fastidiously and if they found even the slight transparent something that could be a bit of an onion, they would refuse to eat it. When I asked my mother at an older age why she went through this struggle, she replied, “Because onions are good for you.” That makes about as much sense as anything I suppose.

In today’s For Better or For Worse, Elly Patterson is in the classic struggle between cook and child, that of getting the child to eat their vegetables. It was with great amusement I noticed that carrots showed up, since that seems to be Deanna Patterson’s vegetable of choice. The sequence where the child refuses to eat food on the premise that they are full, but they still want dessert is an old family life parenting joke. I know the theme this week was supposed to be Michael teases Lizzie, because she is cuter than he is; but really the theme of this week is turning out to be strips which use the same old standard jokes about parenting. There is not an original joke in the bunch.

Monday, the boy who can’t decide if he prefers picking on his sister to punishment,
Tuesday, the boy who likes something common instead of his fancy toys to play with,
Wednesday the girl with the inappropriate item on her head,
Thursday, the boy who hates to be cleaned, and
Friday, the boy who wants dessert and not vegetables.
Saturday will probably be along these lines also.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really don't understand why Lynn decided to run these strips from 1979. They are dated at best, and awful at worst. This is not a charming family. Mike is not being cute or precocious--he's just a brat. Good lord--bellering at his mother at age 5. He sounds like he picked up John's chauvanistic attitude and combined it with Elly's penchant for screaming.

Elly turns into a hideous blob in the last panel, all hunchbacked. And I don't know what that hideous, misshapen, lumpy thing in her pants is, but it is not an ass.

Reading FOOB, if I were to meet Lynn in real life, I would expect her to be a hateful and angry person from the way she writes her strips. Because I have only ever seen abusive and hateful people act the way that the Pattersons do and think it to be normal. Sad.

10:31 PM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

The way things have been shaping up recently, I expect Saturday's strip to not only be a poorly-executed version of an old joke about life with children but to be the coda of Michael's look back in angst. Just as his look at the trip did not answer the question of why Great-Grandma Marian was great, this will not explain why Liz allegedly deserved to be teased.

3:29 AM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

Fortunately, my son loves veggies and we don't do dessert.

I agree, qnjones, the strip sequence has been anything but heartwarming.

dreadedcandiru2, Lynn hasn't been closing off her hybrid strips with any kind of present-day coda--that might actually produce some kind of narrative satisfaction. My guess is we have another random flashback from 1980, our usual Sunday fare (anyone's guess as to whether this will be flashback or present-day), and then an abrupt switch to something else on Monday. Oh, unless the current flashback sequence continues on Monday, but at least that has not been the most recent pattern.

4:03 AM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

april patterson:

I do expect to see a new strip Monday that announces the start of a new story arc. That being said, we'll have to wait to see if it's simply a prelude to more flashbacks or all-new non-conclusive material.

4:37 AM  
Blogger howard said...


I really don't understand why Lynn decided to run these strips from 1979. They are dated at best, and awful at worst.

What I noticed was that these strips are all strips that are the stereotypical family life jokes, which could have come from Lynn's own experience, but probably did not. Aside from Lizzie with the potty on her head, they don't have the uniqueness that usually accompanies Lynn using real life for her strips.

This is not a charming family. Mike is not being cute or precocious--he's just a brat.

I would have to agree on this set of strips. The reason the audience is willing to tolerate bad behaviour from a Dennis the Menace or a Tom Sawyer, is their overall charm and wit while doing bad things and (as we have said before) the fact they would get their just rewards for misbehaviour. In today's strip, we don't know if Michael was punished for yelling at his mother or if she turned around and gave him dessert. Of course, that's not the point Lynn is trying to make. The joke is Elly's physical reaction when he says it. (Poor mom! So funny!)

6:07 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Just as his look at the trip did not answer the question of why Great-Grandma Marian was great, this will not explain why Liz allegedly deserved to be teased.

I expect that you are correct. Unlike the Great-Grandma Marian story which showed almost no interaction between Marian and her grandchildren, at least this story had a lead-in strip which matched Mike's original thesis. Lynn is counting on her audience to have forgotten that thesis by the time we got to reprint #2.

6:08 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Fortunately, my son loves veggies and we don't do dessert.

What? Your boy doesn't get to have any of the pumpkin muffins? :)

My guess is we have another random flashback from 1980, our usual Sunday fare (anyone's guess as to whether this will be flashback or present-day), and then an abrupt switch to something else on Monday.

The last few Sundays have been new, so we are due for a reprint Sunday. It may be too early to tell since Lynn announced she was dropping the hybrid and then simply dropped her every other month format for the hybrid for an every other week format (like that would fool anyone). However, the appearance is that Lynn is doing 2-3 new and 2-3 old on the Sundays.

As for the dailies, with the every other week reprint format Lynn has been doing, it should be new material. We have visited with Elly, John, April, Grandpa Jim, and Iris lately. So, we really are due for Liz and Anthony, who have not been seen in a new strip since their post-Christmas "let's go home" strip.

6:09 AM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

I agree that Lynn expects her audiance not to be capable of remembering the day-to-day flow of the strip. It's why something that started with Elly hectoring John about how he didn't do dishes her way finshed of with Michael weaseling his way into getting a toy.

6:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prediction for next week: We will see what Liz and Anthony did on Valentine's Day-- in flashback. You know Lynn cannot resist a flashback, especially with these two.

7:44 AM  
Blogger howard said...


We will see what Liz and Anthony did on Valentine's Day-- in flashback.

That would be fantastic. I hope you are right. That would be a lot better than Anthony and Liz holding each other awkwardly and saying things like, “Lean on me.” Or “Oh Anthony, why is it so hard to leave?” or “You’re a blessing.” Or “Here we are…wondering where life will take us next.”

7:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No dessert? Ever? I feel sorry for Aprilp_katje's son! I would send him a care package full of my favorite dessert, but the ice cream would melt en route. :)

10:04 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Baked Alaska?

10:20 AM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

I was always under the impression that however the Anthony-Liz relationship had resolved itself, we wouldn't see it happen in the strip any other way than as a flashback. Lynn, after all, did not show Jim and Iris getting married either. Elly would be as pleased as she gets that her daughter had a quiet, low-key ceremony. She, too, dislikes MIBZillas and probably doesn't want to be confused with one.

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My kids and I experienced this scenario many times. The difference is that my children asked (and continue to ask) for dessert sheepishly--they did not raise their voices and make demands.

Anon NYC

1:50 PM  
Blogger howard said...


Elly would be as pleased as she gets that her daughter had a quiet, low-key ceremony. She, too, dislikes MIBZillas and probably doesn't want to be confused with one.

True. I am sure Liz’s wedding will be small. For it to be a large wedding, as often as she has had her characters poo-poo larger ones, would be hypocritical. Although I can see the proposal being done as a flashback, the wedding has been called out by Lynn in public to be the end of the modern strip, so I doubt it will be done as flashback or jumped over to the honeymoon like Grandpa Jim and Iris’ was.

2:19 PM  
Blogger howard said...

Anon NYC,

my children asked (and continue to ask) for dessert sheepishly

Hey! What abaaaaaaah-out dessert?

2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Howard. I wish you hadn't brought up all those lame sentiments of the Lizthony grossmance. I cringe every time I read and look at their strips--it sounds like Mike is writing their dialog and they are two bad actors reciting it.


2:34 PM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

howtheduck and qnjones, I didn't mean to create the impression that we never let our son have sweet treats. We just don't do dessert as a regularly expected. end-of-meal course. As a result, we don't get the phenomenon of saving room for dessert. But treats do happen. In fact (and I can say this sheepishly), my son's Valentine's Day breakfast was a small box of dark chocolates. It wasn't what I had planned, but it was the de facto result of putting the box out for him first thing in the morning. Bad Mama! (Needless to say, this is not an everyday thing!)

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aprilp_katje: I was mostly kidding. I knew there was no way you were being a Sugar Nazi! :) I actually think "not getting in the habit of dessert" is really smart.

Howard: While I do like Baked Alaska, ice cream (chocolate or vanilla) was the standard dessert in our house while I was growing up. Alas, dessert was a habit, and it shows. I have branched out on the flavors, but ice cream is still my favorite. Especially Cherry Garcia! :)

7:41 PM  
Blogger howard said...


In fact (and I can say this sheepishly), my son's Valentine's Day breakfast was a small baaaaaah-x of dark chocolates.

10:20 PM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

howtheduck, you seem to be suffering from an overexposure to foob wordplay. ;)

8:43 AM  

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