Tuesday, February 05, 2008

To See at Me or Not to See at Me: That is the Question

Much to my surprise in today's For Better or For Worse, Lynn Johnston opted to go another whole day with this Robin and Meredith fight over whether or not Meredith was “seeing at” Robin. I thought it would have been a single strip joke, but with the reappearance of it, it appears that we are clearly headed toward a long and extended fight sequence which will no doubt end with Michael taking some kind of action against Meredith and Robin. If Mike’s parenting prowess shown in Monday and Tuesday’s strip is any kind of indication, it will be ineffective parenting, if not also inappropriate parenting. At the end of the week, I expect a follow-up punch line with Deanna when she comes home, with Mike either admitting she has had it rough all these years, or Mike pretending he had it easy, when he didn’t.

As an overall sequence of strips goes, if you take the prior week of John and his failures as a dishwasher and his inability to appreciate Elly, Lynn Johnston’s “circle of life” point may be to have Michael praise Deanna for all she has done in the way that John didn’t for Elly. So, yes, I think this could very well be, ultimately, another strip sequence indirectly slamming Rod Johnston. However, it should be pointed out that Michael very rarely praises anyone, especially Deanna and her time spent raising the kids; so it would actually be out of character for Michael to say something along those lines.

As for me and my own parenting style, I have a very low tolerance for the “Yes, you did”/ “No, I didn’t” style of arguing common with kids. I have found that if I let my kids talk things out, while they are arguing, it works out better. I simply throw in little corrections like, “Don’t call each other names” or “Use your pleases and thank yous.”, without saying, “Shut your gobs and stop fighting!” If my kids are progressing in a particular direction towards a resolution, I don’t want to stop them, because I think it’s good for them to learn to do that, when I am not around. However, if they are fighting without any clear progress and it is escalating, then I will interfere.

In today’s strip sequence, Michael Patterson may be holding his head, but I am pleasantly pleased to see Robin make his point about what Meredith was doing that disturbed him and Meredith making her point that she wasn’t doing anything more disturbing than looking at Robin. Why am I pleased? It’s because Robin is not being played as an imbecile for once. Granted he is talking a lot older than 3 years old and Lynn Johnston can’t keep it straight what sounds he can or cannot pronounce, but he is making his point with his father and the kids are taking turns explaining their perspective. If I were Michael Patterson, I would be quite pleased at how suddenly polite my 2 fighting children have become and how well they are putting forth their arguments. I think Lynn Johnston has other ideas, but we will wait until tomorrow to see them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dumbest. Strip. Ever. Seriously. Kids fight over a lot of stuff. Looking at each other weird is rarely one of them.

Yeah, it is nice to see that Robin isn't retarded after all. Too bad that Lynn's now got him on the Francie accelerated development plan.

Mike should tell them, "This is the stupidest argument I've ever heard. You two are idiots. What's wrong with you? There are so many better things to argue about. Like, why do Mommy and I love Merrie better? You should explore that." 'Cause, ya know, if Lynn is going to show craptacular parenting, it should at least make me laugh. And that would make me laugh.

12:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My two boys (3 and 4 1/2) CONSTANTLY fight about how one of them is looking at the other with "angry eyes".


2:35 AM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

How very strange that Mike cannot figure out what Meredith is doing wrong, that it's such a puzzle that he's at wit's end. It should be obvious that she's 'just' intimidating her younger brother, 'just' giving him the evil eye to try to scare him into giving her the electronic game before her (stupidly) alloted time. If he knew his children, he'd have known that the timer trick wouldn't work because Merrie would try to bully her kid brother. He doesn't them from Adam so he believes her when she plays the innocent.

3:26 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Kids fight over a lot of stuff. Looking at each other weird is rarely one of them.

I am going to have to go with Mel on this one. My daughter has used the phrase "He's looking at me!" with respect to her brother on a number of occasions. I will grant you that neither she nor her brother have ever gone into long-winded explanations about what that means. I have the feeling that Robin and Merrie know their dad is new to actual parenting and might need those explanations.

5:55 AM  
Blogger howard said...


"Angry eyes." Too funny.

5:56 AM  
Blogger howard said...


How very strange that Mike cannot figure out what Meredith is doing wrong, that it's such a puzzle that he's at wit's end.

It does look strange. However, I suspect that what we are really seeing is Lynn Johnston dragging out a joke that should have ended in Tuesday's strip all the way to Friday, with Deanna stopping in for a final word on Saturday.

If he knew his children, he'd have known that the timer trick wouldn't work because Merrie would try to bully her kid brother.

I suspect that Michael is so accustomed to undeserved success, when something doesn't work for him, he is dumbfounded. No doubt he is thinking, "I need to turn in my letter of resignation from this job. Where's my secretary?"

5:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike's face in the fourth panel reminds me so much of Liz's face when some kid outsmarted her when she was teaching.

Hopefully, the Lizard will resign from teaching once she gets formally stuck with Anthony. Then Lynn can use the traditional SAHM strips.

7:36 AM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

As someone of the Livejournal said, this does feel like a Sunday strip streched out far too long. We will have to watch him whine about how he neve wants to do this again Saturday, I just know it.

7:45 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Hopefully, the Lizard will resign from teaching once she gets formally stuck with Anthony. Then Lynn can use the traditional SAHM strips.

Just take the traditional SAHM strips, and call her Elizabeth instead of Elly. I can see it working. A little extra hair on Michael to turn him into Francie. Then her first baby could look just like she did when she was little.

9:04 AM  
Blogger howard said...


As someone of the Livejournal said, this does feel like a Sunday strip streched out far too long. We will have to watch him whine about how he never wants to do this again Saturday, I just know it..

You mean like in this Sunday strip?

9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. No offense, but your kids need to come up with more interesting excuses to fight! :) If they need suggestions, "I'm not touching you!" is a classic. That one drove my mother insane from approximately 1981-1995. Good times! ;)

"Angry Eyes" sounds like a song title.

9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

debjyn: don't forget to slap some freckles on Anthony/John!

9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, jeez. Now Robin is sounding too smart. I have a young neice and when she was 3 no way she would have been able to play a video game, peel a carrot, or explain clearly why she is upset with another child.
She would be able to do all of those things now that she's 7, almost 8. Where is this great 'research' I keep hearing about?

9:16 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Galaxy may not be a video game. It could be one of those scientific teaching games where the kid presses a symbol corresponding to what the game asks you, like “I see the Milky Way. Can you press the Milky Way? That’s Andromeda. Can you press the Milky Way?”

She would be able to do all of those things now that she's 7, almost 8. Where is this great 'research' I keep hearing about?

The Lynn Johnston joke development method is such that the age of the children is adjusted to suit the vocabulary and demeanor necessary for the joke. Until these kids are teenagers, we should consider their ages to be on a sliding scale. When Robin is stinking up diapers or confusing dirt for chocolate for a joke, he’s 2-ish. When Robin is speaking about complex emotions, he’s closer to 8.

As for research, Lynn is known to adjust her research for her joke. My favourite example of this, in the web page on Grandpa’s Stroke, look down at the pictures at “Patient Care with Diane and Sue”. Then check out the actual strip, where Lynn decided that Diane and Sue should be turned into young women in order to do that classic joke of “Grandpa Jim is a lecher.”

10:35 AM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

Yep. That's the one, all right. That, you see, is why Deanna wanted to sort of adopt April: to have a free baby-sitter so she could keep poor, dear Michael from enduring the horror that is his children. She probably yearns for Spring Break so she can steer the child away from the pointles wastes of time she engages in and do what God clearly intended her to do: mind the Antichrist Twins. That takes clear precedence over the insane and selfish desire April has to have something called a "soh-shull lyfe".

11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I typed a long reply then lost it, Grr.

The angry eyes comes from Toy Story - when Mr Potato Head takes out his regular eyes and puts in his angry eyes to intimidate the baddie. That one took me a little while to ferret out.

I don't mind the boys fighting over who's looking at who if it means nobody is getting bitten. :-)


1:14 PM  
Blogger howard said...


That takes clear precedence over the insane and selfish desire April has to have something called a "soh-shull lyfe".

I think Deanna’s desire for April to live with them was just as transparent as it appears, and April realized it in the strip. As for social life, April has effectively eliminated that, by knocking off both her band and her boyfriend in short order. A long time back, the reason for April doing baby-sitting was explained:

April's Letter, July 2004

At least when I babysit for Gord and Tracey I make some cash and even if I can't get a cellphone I can still buy other stuff for myself. Mom and Dad are making me save half of my money for school (I mean like, college in about a million years from now).

April's Letter, July 2007

I might (just maybe) do some gardening for my brother. I don't really like cutting grass and I don't know much about flowers, but money is money. If I do want to be a vet, I'll be in school for a long time so I'll need to save a ton of money. I save half of what I make now, so if I work for Mike and Dee that's just more cash in the bank for school.

This was never said in the strip, but the monthly letters were consistent about it. April expects to be paying for her own school. If her desire to be a vet is strong enough to ditch her band and her boyfriend, she should be strongly motivated to baby-sit for Mike and Deanna to make money.

1:20 PM  
Blogger howard said...


Ah the days of biting and scratching. Those bring back memories. I remember the "angry eye" sequence from Toy Story. "I'm packing your angry eyes" says Mrs. Potato Head from Toy Story II.

1:23 PM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

I forgot that April didn't want a social life for a second. She knows that her parents aren't going to be able to afford to put her through school because, unlike them, she (like Connie) can do basic arithmetic and has figured out that they'll be hip-deep in debt in two years because they spend money foolishly. It seems obvious that in ten year's time she and Deanna will have to support the Patterson family.

3:10 PM  
Blogger howard said...


I am not sure where you get the idea that John and Elly are going to be debt. I haven’t seen any strips with them financially struggling in years. Is there something I am missing?

My impression from the monthly letters is that Elly and John do not plan to pay for things April wants, whether it’s the renovations she made to her old room, which she paid for herself, or going to university. And to this effect, they have enforced this idea by forcing April to put away ½ of whatever she makes. I also got the impression from the letters that Elizabeth paid for her own university education too.

April's Letter, July 2004

At least when I babysit for Gord and Tracey I make some cash and even if I can't get a cellphone I can still buy other stuff for myself. Mom and Dad are making me save half of my money for school (I mean like, college in about a million years from now). When I told Liz about this and about how it's keeping me from having the wardrobe of my dreams she just laughed and said something under her breath about dish soap and macaroni.

3:38 PM  

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