Friday, April 20, 2007

A few references.

The Martian teenager angst-to-English translator is described in Elly’s November, 2005, monthly letter, where she says she depends on Michael and Liz to translate April’s teenage angst for her. I thought I would bring out the reference, particularly with Liz’s unusual Net-speak.

I had briefly considered having Howard mention he saw Liz taking a course called Net-speak for Dummies, but then I opted to go with Rex of Rex Kwan Do, branching out with the same degree of expertise he has with the martial arts. This was my favourite post to write of the day.

I decided that on the Jeremy / April date, since the qualification of Jeremy’s goodness is that he doesn’t kiss and tell, like Gerald did, so that means Jeremy doesn’t post about the date. I decided to go with Mike and Howard telling the story of the date from at least what they can see of it. Naturally April can tell her side too, if she so desires, since she doesn’t have to prove her goodness. Just to let aprilp_katje know, my thought was that after going to the Kool Haus for DJ nite, Jeremy could take April out to a vacant lot and teach her how to ride a motorcycle, since you have had April mention she wanted to learn to ride one, which I took as a hint, but I have not been able to find the venue to use it. Also, how the date ends (hug, handshake, single kiss, several kisses, ear lobe stroking) is up to you. Of course, April doesn’t tell her secrets, so ambiguous hints also work well.

Ferengi reference from Josh the geek god, is from Star Trek Deep Space Nine. The large-eared Ferengi is a race of aliens for whom ear lobe stroking was akin to heavy petting.

The Enjos. There is not one strip of the Enjo parents in the on-line archive, even the Houston Chronicle one. Dawn Enjo appeared at the New Years Eve party where Liz busted up her leg. That’s been it. I figure Connie Poirier and Anne Nichols would never sell their places, but the Enjos across the street were fair game, and they were a couple I was sure was going to show up at Mike’s Congratupalooza, since they had the longtime Mike connection. I read their bios carefully and realized Keith does model trains and Carol does in-home care, so there were a lot of opportunities left to include this couple back in the Patterson’s lives, in case Lynn wanted to give them a last hurrah. It is obscure snark, but Becky and Howard’s househunting, can be fodder for a good series of snark.

Tomorrow’s strip: Liz calls a winner and Dr. John Patterson wins.


Blogger April Patterson said...

I thought the Rex Speak post was hilarious, Howtheduck--as was the househunting at the Enjos. :)

4:15 AM  
Blogger howard said...

Thanks for the compliments. I wasn't sure how the Enjo story came off, since I was snarking character biographies indirectly with the strips.

8:09 AM  

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