Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Deanna Revisited

Deanna Sobinski made an odd speech today, which quite a few people made the association with her being the perfect wife and sublimating her will and beliefs and desires to Michael’s. Over at the FOOBiverse’s Journal, there is a strong tendency to presume that Deanna bows to Michael’s every whim. When I look at the strips, oftentimes I find it is the other way around. I went back to the May 7, 2005 strip which started this whole sequence and it is Deanna (and not Mike) who starts pushing the idea of buying Elly’s place. Mike only wants to buy a place like Elly’s.

Even in today’s strip, Deanna actually interrupts what Mike is saying to interject the idea that she loves Elly’s place. Who has been united with John to convince Michael to get a house? Deanna. Who circumvented Mike going in with Josef Weeder to buy the Saltzman apartments? Deanna. You know I am suddenly beginning to wonder if the Kelpfroths actually set that fire, or if wasn’t a certain blonde woman with a bowl cut.


Blogger April Patterson said...

You know I am suddenly beginning to wonder if the Kelpfroths actually set that fire, or if wasn’t a certain blonde woman with a bowl cut.

Now that would be an interesting story arc! And you can just imagine Deanna cooking up the scheme with John, since they work in the same medical building. ;)

3:33 AM  
Blogger howard said...

I would be happy to see some Deanna and John interaction on the commute or maybe a conversation over lunch. There are so many ways the whole family could interact, but Lynn Johnston seems to be slavishly devoting herself to the same old relationships. The only new one that has been explored is April with Merrie and Robin, which I consider to be a telling sign as to where April is going to end up staying, partuc

2:39 PM  

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