Monday, January 29, 2007

Home in Catatonia

In today’s For Better or For Worse, we see a bleak picture of Elizabeth as she comes to terms with what she has done to herself. Of course her eyes are not open enough so that she realizes the real reason she came to Milborough was to pursue Anthony Caine. The Q & Eh?! Section on the website lists the reason for Liz moving from Mtigwaki as:

She obtained a summer job in Mississauga for the summer of 2006 and lived there in an own apartment. In the fall of 2006, she got a full-time job in Milborough and moved home to her parents' house as a temporary measure until she can find her own place. She chose to move back to the South to be closer to her family.

This has been the reason Liz has perpetually stated, and yet there was that strip where Elizabeth’s reaction is clearly to the news that Anthony just got a divorce. Is that supposed to be something only we clever readers notice, or is the storyline truly that Elizabeth has fooled herself into believing she moved home to be closer to her family? We may never know.

I had a good time playing with the return of young Lizzy, as I presented and qnjones and aprilp_katje embellished. After all, if she is going to return to her childhood, then we might as well take it to ts extremes, which is one of the joys of snarking.

Tomorrow’s strip: No Lizzy, but Merrie reappears for the first time in weeks. I guess we are going down the route of more discussion about the fire and its effects. We know Mike isn’t moving out of the house, so I expect Lynn Johnston is going to reintroduce the idea of Elly and John moving out.


Blogger April Patterson said...

Such a BS response at Q & Eh! We know better. ;)

4:12 PM  
Blogger howard said...

Even though it makes Elizabeth look like an Anthony-worshipper to go running after him the moment he gets divorced, there is an aspect to the whole Liz / Anthony relationship, where she is an Anthony worshipper. She planned to go to his wedding and show off with Dennis North, when the fact she would even show up at his wedding, knowing he was carrying a torch for her, was extremely bad taste. We all know she and Anthony have a little cat-and-mouse game going, and it is part of the one of things that makes Elizabeth interesting in a pathetic sort of way. Without this aspect to her character, you would have to shrug your shoulders and say, "I have no earthly idea why she would do what she did." However, if she is obsessed with Anthony, then it makes sense, even if it shows Elizabeth is demented. That's the way the strip is going. Liz is obsessed with Anthony. Anthony is obsessed with Liz. But why the fine folks who write the Q & Eh! would want us to ignore that, when it is such an intrinsic part of the plot, I do not know.

6:18 PM  

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