Friday, January 26, 2007

There’s No Such Thing

In today’s For Better or For Worse, I had the joy of hunting on-line for advice on how to break up with someone gently, just so I could prove Elly was wrong. There were several and they all pretty much agreed with each other and oddly enough, they also agreed with what Paul Wright had planned to do with Elizabeth. I had originally planned to have each April’s Real Blog character recount his love life, so they could also refute or agree with Elly. As things often happen with April’s Real Blog, I feel the need to react to what aprilp_katje says in her Blog entry. The reference to speed freak eyes, set me off on a Mike tangent which concluded Constable Paul Wright was insane and stupid, which oddly enough, no one refuted. Jeremy Jones repeated his usual running joke that every girlfriend he has had has left a physical scar on him. Then I made Howard be the one who delineated the litany of romances he has had since being an April’s Real Blog character, since his romances were the most peculiar.

Tomorrow’s strip: Lynn Johnston seems to want to stretch the Elizabeth wedding choice as far as she can into the future. It will keep her readers guessing (not!), but should have the unfortunate side effect of not giving a decent Elizabeth and Anthony romance.


Blogger April Patterson said...

The reason that April did not refute the stupid/crazy assessment of Paul was that she didn't think it was worth it. Mike wouldn't listen to her anyway, and Liz would probably beat her up. ;)

A decent Liz-Anthony romance? What would that be like?!?!?

4:52 AM  
Blogger howard said...

A decent Liz-Anthony romance? What would that be like?!?!?

What we would have to see is Elizabeth actually bonding with Frannie. Initially Frannie would be shown to be shy around Elizabeth and then grows to trust Elizabeth, as Anthony and Liz go on a series of family-oriented dates. They actually have had one of these already, and we didn't get to see it or hear what happened on it. That doesn't bode well for future strips.

In my single days, when I was pursuing a single woman with children, I almost always suggested dates where the mother could bring the child along, so she didn't have to deal with the hassle of a baby-sitter. You have to woo the woman and the child, if your ultimate goal is a long-term relationship. Of course, I was never successful in those kinds of situations, so I really can't say that was the right way to go. I got along great with the kids though.

Elizabeth doesn't have to work at Anthony at all, since his affection for Elizabeth is assured. But if the strip has Frannie instantly in love with Elizabeth, because Lynn Johnston doesn't have the time to develop it properly, then the whole thing will ring false with every reader who is on their second marriage with a kid from their first marriage, and this should include Lynn Johnston.

What I fear we are going to see is Frannie bond with Elizabeth instantly with no effort on Elizabeth's part whatsoever. Then Thérèse will show up, call her François, and Frannie will slam her mother by insisting her name is Frannie and she will call Elizabeth "mom".

I hope Lynn Johnston would be better than to do that, but the Constable Paul Wright story was even worse than I had expected, and I didn't have high expectations for it. I never expected that Elizabeth would blame the entire town of Mtigwaki as a part of that story, and I was quite surprised she painted Jesse Mukwa as a thief who rarely attended school.

9:02 AM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

I fear you are probably right about Liz bonding with "Francie" with little or no effort. And as you suggest, Lynn should be able to do better, as she does have experience in this area.

10:42 AM  

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