Monday, January 08, 2007

Eating Mice and Laying Eggs

Today’s For Better or For Worse was devilishly hard to snark today unless you could take the role of Warren (which aprilp_katje did in the Blog entry) or the role of Liz, normally handled by the currently sickly qnjones. There was the element of Warren with presumptions of Liz love, there was the incorrect identification of an eagle’s diet, and that was about it.

In tomorrow’s strip, Paul Wright was not there to confront Liz at the helicopter, so I am beginning to think when April told Liz that Paul wouldn’t like seeing her with Warren; it had less to do with a potential Paul Wright confrontation, and more to do with April identifying Warren’s intentions while Liz was overlooking them. Here’s the sequence:

1-3: Warren shows up and calls Liz pretty.
1-4: Warren offers her a trip, but calls the suggestion crazy.
1-5: Liz suspects something is up, but Warren denies, even as he thinks it.
1-6: April points out Warren’s intentions to Liz, who ignores her
1-8: Warren jumps on Liz saying the word “romantic”
1-9: Big hug from Warren and he leaves

Then Gary Crane drops the line about inspecting. So, Liz is going to Mtigwaki and there is something there Gary thinks she should inspect. We know Paul is with Susan, and we know Liz is going to find out and break up with him. The only questions are:

1. How does she find out?

a. She visits Susan and sees a more-than-friendly picture of her together with Paul mounted by the moose tapestry.
b. She catches them together doing the nasty.
c. Paul tells her.
d. Chipper invites Liz to be a bridesmaid for her wedding.
e. Phil Goulais is selling copies of the Chipper / Suds porn tape.
f. Jesse Mukwa tells her, and then he proposes to Liz.
g. Vivian Crane sits Liz down and gives a good talking to.
h. Someone else in Mtigwaki tells her.
i. She sees “Suds & Chipper 4evah & eva” carved on a tree.

2. Will Susan know Paul is still with Liz? In other words, is Paul = Eric?

3. Will Liz and Paul end their relationship amicably, or will she leave Mtigwaki in tears?

4. How will Paul get around the idea that he supposedly got his transfer?

a. He will say, “I got my transfer to Spruce Narrows. The one to Toronto will never come through. The OPP doesn’t want me to do traffic patrol.”
b. He will say, “I was just kidding about getting it.”
c. He will say, “I’ve changed my mind.”

Once Paul is out of the picture, Warren will confess his love for Liz and she will reject him too. In this fashion, with a short sequence of strips, we will see Liz knock out 2 of her 3 potential husbands. I know Warren was technically already out, but I am guessing Lynn Johnston wanted to knock him out again, just in case people weren’t paying attention to what happened over a year ago.


Blogger April Patterson said...

Phil Goulais is selling copies of the Chipper / Suds porn tape.

LOL--this is the funniest option.

I'm really dreading the rest of this arc. Poor Paul. He's about to have his personality and character sacrificed on the altar of Anthony.

I agree about Lynn disposing of Warren a second time for the benefit of those who weren't paying attention before. Or who had taken a break from the strip only to come back and think, "I wonder whatever happened to that pilot guy."

4:05 AM  
Blogger howard said...

The question I am really interested in, is how she can have Paul messing around with Susan, and still applying for the transfer to Toronto? Those 2 ideas don't mix.

Sacrificing his personality and character I can see, since she just did it with Warren Blackwood by turning him into a pseudo-Anthony. I'll just stare at Paul when he appears and say, "Who is this guy?"

A side question, I am simply curious about is, why she is choosing to change Gary Crane's personality too? Even when he was mad at Liz for not committing one way or another about her contract, he never called her "girl".

5:44 AM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

I agree, the cheating with Susan doesn't mesh with Paul having processed the transfer. And the change in Gary's personality just seems random. Both appear to be symptoms of sloppy storytelling, but I guess we'll have to wait and see how this is [mis]played out.

4:09 PM  
Blogger howard said...

According to the website, Lynn was taking a long break from the office. My guess is that there is a Lynnion interpreting and dialoguing a very loosely written plot.

4:23 PM  
Blogger Jenney said...

You do know that April's Real Blog is the only thing that makes the strip even bearable, don't you?

Having Paul too busy to read ARB but then head to Mtig to help Chipper was a brilliant move. Now we're all set up for tomorrow's big fall. Just a few hours now.


6:04 PM  
Blogger howard said...


Thank you very much for the high praise.

I have been struggling with Paul and the current focus of the strips, which he cannot know are happening. I'm glad you like Paul going to Mtigwaki. I had to come up with an explanation for why he would be there, instead of working his job in Otter County, just in case Lynn Johnston puts him in Mtigwaki. One of the fun things about April's Real Blog is writing stories about the characters to fill the holes which are in the comic strip.

8:40 PM  
Blogger Jenney said...

"One of the fun things about April's Real Blog is writing stories about the characters to fill the holes which are in the comic strip."

That's part of what makes it so funny! That it explains some things and gives the continuity/consistency that the real strip has lacked for years.

And I wonder if we'll find out that either
1) Paul lied about the transfer, knowing that he was going to split with Liz before the day of truth arrived, or
2) Paul did apply (and rec.) the transfer but just in the past few days has he discovered his feelings for Susan.

#2 would fit nicely with ARB so it is what I'm hoping for.

Why is everyone so bummed to see Liz with Anthony? They deserve each other. The Stalker and The Tease.

10:17 PM  
Blogger howard said...


#2 is the one I want also. As for Liz and Anthony, I am not bummed. It will be much more fun snarking their romance, than it would be to snark Liz and Paul.

12:17 AM  

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