Friday, January 05, 2007

Who is the “Dude”?

One of the more interesting weeks in the April / Anthony relationship was the week of July 29, 2002.

Liz meets with Anthony at Gordon’s place, and on July 31, 2002 tells Anthony, “I’m not dating anyone. I was, but you know how it is…I’m still pay for my mistakes. And you’re engaged.”

Years later reading this and the whole way things turned out, I found it very interesting that Liz is giving the impression that she considers Anthony’s marriage her penance for making the mistake of dropping things with Anthony Caine after high school and establishing the relationship with Eric Chamberlain.

On August 3, 2002; Anthony says something, which has not been mentioned since, which is “Thérèse is working for my dad.” During the whole Anthony / Thérèse relationship, we have seen nothing from Anthony’s parents and what their reaction to the whole situation is. If Anthony and Elizabeth are going to marry by September, 2007, then Lynn Johnston has a cause for bringing his parents into the strip.

There is some indication that Anthony’s father is fairly successful, because in the January 1, 2002 strip, Anthony and Elizabeth are at a New Year’s Eve party, where Anthony says, “These are all my dad’s business associates, Liz. No one would miss us if we left.”

Another reference to family is when Anthony visits Elizabeth just after the Howard attack, he says his mom is taking care of the baby, so he could take the time off and see Elizabeth.

Anthony’s mother can be seen kissing Anthony in the first panel of this strip of his wedding, and she looks like a female version of Anthony.

At the Françoise baby shower on March 28, 2005, in Panel 4, you can see Anthony’s mom again in the background.

Anthony’s mom clearly supports Anthony with the baby and the marriage, as you would expect a good mother to do (take note Elly Patterson), but she also takes the baby to allow Anthony to visit Elizabeth, from which you could infer a desire to support an Anthony / Elizabeth alliance. I don’t know where Anthony’s father stands, since he is not featured in any of these strips.

The whole reason I bring this up, is because of the mysterious “dude” whom Warren Blackwood is carrying to just north of Mtigwaki. I tried to think of someone who would have an impact on the plot, who might have mining interests. Going through characters in my head, I came up with Rhetta Blum’s dad (who I discounted, since he would have no story impact) and Anthony Caine’s dad, based on what has been presented about him, and because this might be an opportunity for Lynn to bring him into the picture.

If Anthony Caine’s dad is the “dude”, there is a veritable cornucopia of different perspectives which could come from the encounter:

1. There is a good chance Anthony’s dad was the primary reason Anthony proposed to Thérèse. Thérèse works for him, so she was probably hand-picked by Anthony’s dad as a suitable match for Anthony. Considering Thérèse was ambitious in her career goals, the other possibility is he picked Thérèse for his son, since Anthony seems to have little-to-no career ambition. He could be disappointed Thérèse had the affaire and left his son, particularly since she had the affaire with a co-worker, meaning someone else who works for Anthony’s dad.

2. Anthony doesn’t work for his dad. In fact, Anthony has the same basic job working for Gordon Mayes, he has had since he graduated high school, which means his university diploma amounted to nothing as far as career growth goes. Anthony got his job and his house, due to charity from Gordon Mayes, or so we assume. This strip from January 4, 2005 gives us a clue it might not have been Gordon. Originally, Thérèse was portrayed as excessively jealous of Elizabeth, and it turned out that jealousy was well-founded. But in this strip, Shawna-Marie Verano tells Elizabeth about how Thérèse was jealous of Tracey Mayes for spending so much time with Anthony. This was supposed to be proof Thérèse was unjustified in her jealousy, but now it seems odd. If Thérèse was right about Elizabeth, maybe she was right about Tracey too. If Anthony’s dad knows about this, then he may be upset his son messed around with Tracey and got his job and house, due to her influence. Anthony is unattractive, but Gordon is even more unattractive.

3. The first 2 items are too far entrenched into obscure, old strips to be practical. Lynn Johnston has nothing but praise for Anthony, despite his repugnant behaviour. So if the “dude” is Anthony’s dad, he is going to praise Anthony to Elizabeth. That way, while Warren is trying to talk love with Liz, Liz suddenly realizes it is Anthony she is in love with. Then upon arriving in Mtigwaki, she blows off Warren and Paul in favour of Anthony.

This is one of those predictions, I am pretty sure will not happen. The dude is most likely a nondescript nobody. I only keyed off it because Warren said “dude” in today’s strip as opposed to “business associate”. On the other hand, I also keyed off April using the word “surprise” and I am pretty sure there will be a surprise. Perhaps, “dude” shouldn’t be discounted either. We will probably find out on Monday.

Tomorrow’s strip: This is an interesting one. They are playing up the “Surprise” aspect, but also have April point out Paul will not be happy when Liz shows up with Warren. The “Surprise” part says Liz catches Paul with Susan. However, there are parts of that idea which just don’t work.

1. Helicopters are not quiet, and Mtigwaki is not big. Unless Warren is landing way outside town, I don’t see how Liz could arrive undetected by everyone in town.

2. Constable Paul Wright lives in Otter County and not Mtigwaki, so he shouldn’t be there, unless he was there in Mtigwaki for a different reason (like Susan).

3. If Liz caught Paul Wright with Susan, then it would screw up the rest of the visit, with Jesse Mukwa, because she would spend the whole time grieving over the loss of Paul.

4. If Paul Wright actually got his transfer to Toronto, which is what we have been led to believe, then it wouldn’t make sense for him to have a romantic relationship with Susan. I know an Eric Chamberlain-like scenario is possible, but job transfers are a lot harder to conceal than skipping ice hockey practices.

It could be that "Liz with Warren" is the straw that breaks the Constable’s back. If it is played as a slow anger, then Liz could do all her Mtigwaki visiting, and have the break-up just before she leaves to go back to Milborough. Liz’s January monthly letter said:

When I say "yes", it'll be because I know it's going to be a working, long-term partnership. The ceremony is secondary. Security and commitment come first!

I think these will be the issues raised. If Paul was secure and committed, then he would not question Liz’s loyalty to him in the face of Warren Blackwood. And also, let us not forget, Paul wasn't there for her during the trial.


Blogger April Patterson said...

Gah! :(

1:08 PM  
Blogger howard said...


3:37 PM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

Oh, just in general. Anthony. You know how I feel on the subject. ;)

6:52 PM  
Blogger howard said...

OK. I spoke of many things, so I wasn't sure which one provoked the Gah!:( .

8:57 PM  

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