Monday, May 29, 2006

Merrie and Grandpa Share Dentures

Today’s strip is not too bad, so long as you don’t think too hard about what is actually happening in For Better or For Worse. We mainly snarked hairstyles and dentures for the day. My in-laws (wife dad and step-mother) were in today, so my posts were once again early and late, surrounding their visit. They are gone tomorrow to go see the Grand Canyon. The visit went pretty well. These are my kids’ grandparents who have not come to Arizona to visit since 2001 and when they did come, they would always bring their favourite grandchildren in Texas along with them. This was the first time they have been just by themselves, ever, and what a difference it made. My kids put on a show; they were so enthusiastic and cute. The visit went very well.

Tomorrow’s strip: It doesn’t look good for Constable Paul Wright. In fact, I would lay money out that this is going to be his last week to appear in the strip. I am oddly enough feeling a loss with this. I originally wanted the good constable because a long, long time ago, schmoosie was posting as Liz and complained all the time about feeling as though she was separated from the rest of the group posting at April’s Real Blog, because there was no way for her to drive a story by herself and have anyone else with her. So, I decided to pickup Paul Wright, for no other purpose than to provide that someone for schmoosie. That worked out for awhile, but then schmoosie went to other places and regrettably did not leave on the best of terms. Since then, the good constable has been posting with aprilp_katje and then qnjones as Liz, who each brought something different to the character.

The main things I liked about Constable Paul Wright was writing him as unflaggingly faithful to Elly, particularly in face of aprilp_katje’s withering criticism of Elly when writing as April; and also writing him as madly in love in Elizabeth no matter what abuse was heaped on him. I have done so much research on the Ontario Provincial Police practices, and Ojibway legends and the Ojibway language and the tremendous societal problems that First Nations Canadians face. I am going to be sad at the end of this week to say goodbye to the good constable. I like Howard and Jeremy, but they are pretty much out of the strip. Jeremy might make an appearance if they go forward with the battle of the bands story they mentioned a few times in the monthly letters, but I doubt much will happen with that. Constable Paul Wright was my only character link with a regularly appearing storyline. I am going to miss you.


Blogger April Patterson said...

I'll miss Paul, too. He deserved better than to have Liz cast him aside casually and thoughtlessly. I've got a real hate-on for Liz today!

4:23 AM  
Blogger howard said...

I think so too. The Lynnions have gone so far in painting him as a nice guy, it will be difficult to believe any meanness they put on him at this point. However, in today's strip, he does say an unkind sentence about wishing Liz spoke to herself more often. I have this feeling, they are getting ready to paint him nasty, so Liz can feel justified.

Liz will say, "I so glad I realized you are like this now. I am definitely not going to ask you to follow me to Toronto. Shiimsa, why are relationships so complicated. Why can't I find a man who is right for me?"

Shiimsa will say, "Look in the insane asylums."

8:09 AM  
Blogger April Patterson said...



9:21 AM  
Blogger howard said...

A Shiimsa perspective would be great. I hope qnjones does one.

9:36 AM  

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