Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Kids or Pets?

If you were reading For Better or For Worse back in 1980, you would have gone straight from the strip where young Farley the dog urinated on Elly to the strip reprinted today, where John Patterson wakes up in the middle of the night to deal with the dog, while Elly makes a comment to herself (or us as her audience) that John would have slept through a noise made by his children. Going from the urine to this comment, you might get the impression that Elly is still not happy with the dog, and John is jumping up to deal with him, knowing that Elly would not do that. Or, you might get the impression that Elly is unhappy that John would get up spend time with the dog when he won’t do the same for his children. Naturally, we are not going to get a strip where Elly says, “I’m glad he’s going to deal with that instead of me. I’m still pissed off at that dog.”

In any case, because we saw the new-run yesterday with the fancy cage and Elly’s attempt to be kind to young Farley the dog with a stuffed animal and T-shirt; you know that she is not quite the anti-dog woman that she was portrayed to be back in 1980. Once again, one of the themes of the new-runs appears to be “Make Elly look better” which goes along well with the other theme of the new-runs – “Make John look worse.” Of course making John look bad was one of themes of the strip as it originally appeared, and certainly it qualifies for today, as we see John Patterson has apparently only one nipple and it’s in the middle of his chest. It’s like a Cyclops nipple.

Well, it was a sad night here in Arizona, as our state senator failed in his attempt to be elected President of the United States. My daughter did not manage to stay awake until the speeches. My son made it through McCain’s speech but went to sleep before Obama did his. It’s been interesting to see them older and take an interest in politics this year. They even had a mock election at their school today. I think I was still blissfully unaware of Presidential elections when I was their age, although I seem to remember my friends and I had a healthy dislike for Nixon and we were pretty happy when he resigned. Nevertheless, it was great to watch the political coverage during the day and watch the election results come in. I realize that my children have witnessed history in the making with the election of Barack Obama and they will probably remember this day all the rest of their lives.


Blogger April Patterson said...

It’s like a Cyclops nipple.

I think that's supposed to be a little tuft of chest hair!

3:35 AM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...


The next strip in sequence is, of course, the one in which Connie makes that confusing speech supposedly meant to get Elly angry at John. While it does achieve its desired effect of making John look like an ogre, it also makes Elly look like a sucker; this tells me that Friday's strip will be a new-run meant to re-write history so that Elly saw through the hard sell.

5:18 AM  
Blogger Holly said...

I think that's supposed to be a little tuft of chest hair!

An early strip, probably in the first collection, had John delighted to find an old favourite v-neck shirt. He donned it and boasted to Elly that it showed off his chest hair. Elly pointed to the single straggly strand hanging from John's chest and replies, "And I thought it had fallen out" as John looks deflated. Maybe John's chest has experienced some hair growth, but I think I'm going to side with Howard on this one and believe that John is mononipplular.

5:22 AM  
Blogger howard said...


I think that's supposed to be a little tuft of chest hair!

Chest hair = 1 vote. Single nipple = 1 vote.

5:40 AM  
Blogger howard said...


While it does achieve its desired effect of making John look like an ogre, it also makes Elly look like a sucker; this tells me that Friday's strip will be a new-run meant to re-write history so that Elly saw through the hard sell.

I can honestly say that the Connie strip is one that does need a new-run to explain what brought on that reaction from Connie. And knowing Lynn Johnston, any new-run provided will just make Connie’s speech even more confusing. I am looking forward to it.

5:41 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Maybe John's chest has experienced some hair growth, but I think I'm going to side with Howard on this one and believe that John is mononipplular.

Chest hair = 1 vote. Single nipple = 2 votes.

5:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like little hair sprouts to me. Was Lynn trying to impugn Rod's manhood by drawing him as virtually chest hairless? If Rod only has a little bit of sprouts in the middle, then why did he need to wax his chest post-divorce?

Oh, the burning questions that FOOB conjures up!

10:52 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Looks like little hair sprouts to me.

Chest hair = 2 votes. Single nipple = 2 votes.

Was Lynn trying to impugn Rod's manhood by drawing him as virtually chest hairless?

Possibly. However, pictures of Rod in his 60s show him to have a full head of hair and usually guys with full heads of hair have little chest hair. The hormone that puts it on your chest also is the one that takes it off your head.

If Rod only has a little bit of sprouts in the middle, then why did he need to wax his chest post-divorce?

That quote did come from an anonymous source and so it is questionable. However, it is possible that what little chest hair Rod Johnston owned had changed colour and so he might want to remove it to remove the gray and at the same time appear much more like a metrosexual kind of guy.

Oh, the burning questions that FOOB conjures up!

You are not kidding. The material in Peanuts never made me question if Charles Schulz had chest hair or a single nipple.

2:12 PM  

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