Monday, November 03, 2008

Lynn Loves Lines

Back when Laura Piché was doing backgrounds for Lynn Johnston, I used to blame her for straight-edging all the backgrounds and making them look like…straight-edged backgrounds. It wasn’t really until these new-runs where I realized that all Laura was doing was to fill in the straight edges already drawn by Lynn Johnston, because Lynn often would sketch out the backgrounds in her penciling. In today’s For Better or For Worse, Lynn Johnston actually takes the time to draw all the little bars and cross-bars in Farley’s dog cage. I was very amused by this. Look at how nicely that cage is drawn, and yet, the same artist can’t take the time to even out the stripes on Michael’s shirt, or draw eyes on Michael in panel 1, or arrange the scene in panel 2, so we can see Michael’s face and Farley the dog.

In order to understand this, you have to enter the mind of Lynn Johnston to discover the secret to her art. Then you can return and you will tell your great understanding of Lynn Johnston’s art. My guess is that you will have discovered that she likes drawing straight lines and she hates drawing people

She does also like to create strips that pose interesting and unusual questions like:

You have two things, one is soft to sleep with and one is something familiar to smell for an 8-week old puppy. Which of those two is John Patterson’s T-shirts? If you picked “familiar to smell”, then why?


Blogger Holly said...

If you picked “familiar to smell”, then why?

Quotes from your post on binky_betsy yesterday: "Man! That Thelma Baird is a looker! I wonder if she likes role-playing."

It appears that John already knew the answer to that one.

11:12 PM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...


Her hatred of drawing the human form has another symptom: the people of crowd scenes with people even more misshapen than the Pattersons.

1:26 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Quotes from your post on binky_betsy yesterday: "Man! That Thelma Baird is a looker! I wonder if she likes role-playing." It appears that John already knew the answer to that one.

Suddenly my mind is filled with images of John and Thelma playing a game called, “The Breeder and the Bad Puppy.”

5:41 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Her hatred of drawing the human form has another symptom: the people of crowd scenes with people even more misshapen than the Pattersons.

Yes, the large Milborough mutant population. They are indeed a testimony to someone who does not delight in drawing the human figure.

5:42 AM  
Blogger Holly said...

Suddenly my mind is filled with images of John and Thelma playing a game called, “The Breeder and the Bad Puppy.”

Oh no, now mine is too! Gah -- brain bleach, and lots of it, stat!

6:29 AM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...


That image is never going to leave my mind either.

7:41 AM  
Blogger howard said...

At least I didn't talk about the game, "The Breeder Puts Down the Runt".

9:39 AM  

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