There is a certain element of writing for a particular character where you try to envision what that character would think or do in a situation and write it up. Then you have to look at it and say, “Is that something the character would really say?” For example, when I used to write up the posts for Constable Paul Wright on April’s Real Blog, I would go back through the dialogue and try to chop his lines into short sentences and eliminate prepositional phrases if I could, to imitate Paul’s style of speech. With poor Lynn Johnston in today’s strip, I can see she has lost that ability. Every character is a 60-year-old woman in Corbeil, Ontario. The reference to Woodstock was the funniest thing I have read in awhile in For Better or For Worse, because it was so inappropriate for the character.
However, ignoring the extraordinarily strange reference to Woodstock, the point that Anthony is making is a clear indication where the wedding between Anthony and Elizabeth is going to go. Why is that? Repetition, my dear readers. Repetition. Lynn Johnston loves it. Never do a plot once. Do it a hundred times.
Do you remember the simple star-gazing school class party which ended up with the whole community coming there, when Elizabeth was working in Mtigwaki? Well, guess what? Lynn Johnston does too. That story, my good friends, is what I think Anthony’s comment means. Get ready for Elizabeth’s wedding to be imposed on.
However, ignoring the extraordinarily strange reference to Woodstock, the point that Anthony is making is a clear indication where the wedding between Anthony and Elizabeth is going to go. Why is that? Repetition, my dear readers. Repetition. Lynn Johnston loves it. Never do a plot once. Do it a hundred times.
Do you remember the simple star-gazing school class party which ended up with the whole community coming there, when Elizabeth was working in Mtigwaki? Well, guess what? Lynn Johnston does too. That story, my good friends, is what I think Anthony’s comment means. Get ready for Elizabeth’s wedding to be imposed on.
Interesting to see that Liz is channeling Hillary Clinton's style, circa 1992. Gag. Goes great with the rest of her Elly outfit though.
Anthony's response is interesting and showcases his desperation. Liz makes it very, VERY clear that she her ONLY reason to marry now is her grandfather and that she doesn't like the idea of an early marriage for any other reason. Now, if I personally were engaged to someone who said something like that, I would tell them no on marrying them right away. If a person really felt that their own wishes required a much greater delay, I would tell them that we should take our time to be sure they really wanted to get married.
Instead, Anthony's response is to eagerly tell Liz that he will marry her right this instant. Anthony reeks of desperation even more than ever.
And yes, Anthony's comment definitely means the wedding is going to become huge and lavish, but the extravagance will be blamed on someone other than the Pattersons. My guess? Anthony's mother.
Keeping with the 1990s theme, maybe Granthony is talking about Woodstock '99, which actually took on a life of its own during Limp Bizkit's "Break Shit." Or maybe he goes as far back as Woodstock 94 when Greenday threw mud at the crowd.
Actually, those moments were as lame as this strip. When it comes to Woodstock and "For Better or For Worse," someone coming on the scene would say: "What's the big deal? I'll pass."
P.S. To me, Hillary Clinton circa 1992 is sexy.
Anthony's reference to Woodstock isn't all that surprising. He is, after all, the mouthpiece for a 60-year old woman who, as you've said, expects everyone to know what she does and not a jot more. It should also come as no surprise that the Pattersons will have the Settlepocalypse shoved down their throats.
Oh, Lordy, you're right. That day will be called the Settlepocalypse because that part of Ontario will actually settle--sag slightly--from the weight of the multitudes that show up from all over Canada for the event. Good thing Canada's a thinly populated country, or the Great Lakes might flood.
Instead, Anthony's response is to eagerly tell Liz that he will marry her right this instant. Anthony reeks of desperation even more than ever.
Anthony is equal parts desperation and extremely low self-esteem. He has always been very aware of when Liz was or was not dating someone, and made the presumption, because of Liz's one date with Warren Blackwood to Mike's novel party, that she was with him. So, he hangs around her and thought balloons how he would like to be with her, but never acts on it, until Julia pushed him to at the wedding. It is as if he believes that Liz would prefer any man to him, and really, that is not far from the truth. When she broke up with Paul, she asked Warren to the party, not Anthony. When Anthony turned her down for the wedding date, she was lusting after Mason, the best man at first sight, and not thinking, "Maybe I can get Anthony to dance with me, if his date doesn't mind."
Anthony took his sweet time in getting around to proposing, and then did so with lines that seemed like he was afraid Liz was going to run away. "Should we discuss marriage?" "Should we shop for a ring?" When I go back to the Shawna-Marie Verano wedding, his line to Liz is "Are you ready now (to get married)?" To which Liz responded, "Perhaps." And then Anthony launched into "I'm not in a rush. I can wait." We make jokes that Anthony wouldn't have proposed if Warren hadn't come along, but Lynn has shown us that "the token that says I'm taken" was given precisely to deflect Warren, including Warren's horrified reaction to the ring.
And yes, Anthony's comment definitely means the wedding is going to become huge and lavish, but the extravagance will be blamed on someone other than the Pattersons. My guess? Anthony's mother.
My guess is that it will actually be like the Mtigwaki celebration, where people will come out of the woodwork. Anne Nichols will cater for free. Lawrence Poirier will do flowers for free. Josef Weeder will do photos for free. Liz will protest, "I don't deserve this." And all the people will say, "Yes you do, because you're Elly's daughter."
Hillary Clinton circa 1992 is sexy.
Yes, but on a 26-year-old woman like Liz?
It should also come as no surprise that the Pattersons will have the Settlepocalypse shoved down their throats.
I am looking forward to it. If August 30 is the end date, including reprints, I think we might get a whole 2 months of wedding silliness.
That day will be called the Settlepocalypse because that part of Ontario will actually settle--sag slightly--from the weight of the multitudes that show up from all over Canada for the event.
I do expect that we will see a lot of media attention given to the final days of the strip. I can't wait to see what kinds of bizarre things Lynn Johnston will say about it.
But when WILL the final days of the strip come?
It won't just end. It'll slowly die out with a bunch of reprints. Kind of like John Patterson not suddenly retiring, but still working one day a week.
It won't just end. It'll slowly die out with a bunch of reprints.
This is true. However Lynn did call out for an ending on August 30 in her open letter to her fans, and in another article she said, September 26. We know she is going to reprints, but there should be some end to the modern storyline, many have predicted the closing line of which will be "For Better or For Worse" at a wedding.
This was just incredible. Not only would it make no sense for Anthony to say this, there are probably a great many of her readers (who aren't exactly....mental giants) who won't have any idea what she is referencing. Of course even the "why" is pretty murky. Please to heaven that is not Lynn trying to show how "hip" Anthony is!
One thing about the strip a couple of days ago, (and actually I guess the entire purpose for the rush-to-get-married strips)--too bad Liz never really got into Indian culture and beliefs; she would not be nearly as distressed about Jim's death--she would understand (and find solace) in believing of a "transition". As related: "Every star represents someone who has passed". Of course, the Pattersons agonize so much IMO because there is absolutely no sense of spiritual beliefs--of any kind.
But then again, it's funny when you consider Liz's great belief in "fate" or "faith" which was her driving reason for running out of Mtig and returning to Milbo. Seems like there is no reason to rush the wedding; Jim would make it if that is "fate" or she just has "faith".
Seems like there is no reason to rush the wedding; Jim would make it if that is "fate" or she just has "faith".
Elizabeth also used the “fate” line when she was originally dating Eric Chamberlain back in 2001, so it is a consistent theme with her. And you are right, given this philosophy, it doesn’t make sense that Grandpa Jim’s imminent demise would cause such a person to rush a wedding. Lynn Johnston talked about reading between the lines, but the simple fact of the matter is that April knows Grandpa Jim’s condition and Liz does not. Liz has very little person interest in Grandpa Jim, if I read between the lines.
The way it plays out in the strip is that April, playing the voice of reason that she has taken lately with Elizabeth (i.e. calling her down about giving away Jim’s WWII harmonica, pointing out she looks bad in the dress), simply points out that if Elizabeth wants Jim in her wedding, then she can’t continue putting off her wedding day. Elizabeth takes this as a command and consults Elly, who essentially agrees with her and tells Elizabeth to take her time. Elizabeth’s immediate change of heart at hearing her mother’s opinion is played for laughs, but the way it comes off is that Elizabeth is a very immature girl still playing the part of “I will do the opposite of what my mother wants”, that she has done every since going to university and in some years before. So, now the suggestion by April becomes the raison d’être of the wedding date, which Elizabeth tells to her father. When she mentions it to Anthony in today’s strip, it comes off as though Elizabeth has begun to resent it.
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