Sunday, June 08, 2008

Quick! Marry Before He Dies

I had a friend from Louisiana, whom I met in a singles group in Dallas. She was going through a divorce at the time. The reason I remembered this woman is because of similarities between her situation for her marriage and the situation presented in today’s For Better or For Worse.

My friend was an only child, whose father had passed away when she was young. Essentially, her family consisted of her and her mother. When she was in university, it was discovered that her mother had cancer and did not have a long time to live. There was this tremendous pressure placed on the boyfriend of my friend to propose to my friend so that her mother could see her married before she died. In fact, her mother was willing to do whatever was necessary to make this happen, including covering all the wedding expense costs and even the cost of the engagement ring. So, my friend and her boyfriend married. Her mother attended the wedding and died not too long later, with the knowledge that her little girl was married and was being taken care of.

The marriage did not last very long after their university graduation. Boyfriend and girlfriend relationships in university have a tendency to be superficial. I can well understand how a young man of 20 might find it very difficult to turn down my friend’s mother, in her situation, when he was only really dating my friend because she was very pretty. My friend did eventually find another man who wanted to marry because he was in love with her, and I believe they are celebrating their 19th anniversary this year in September.

For some reason, Elizabeth Patterson is playing this game with her wedding that is typical for many of the things that have happened in her life, i.e. she likes to let things happen to her. Her jobs magically appear. Her boyfriends magically appear. Even her cat magically appears. It is almost as if Elizabeth expects that her wedding will magically appear without her having to do a thing to set it into motion. After all, what does she expect will happen, when she says things like, “I don’t want to rush into anything! I want to take it a day at a time!” She has been presented this way several times, enough so that it is not coincidence. However, each time it happens I wonder if Lynn Johnston realizes just how ridiculous it is and how incredibly stupid Elizabeth comes off. If she doesn’t, then what we are waiting for is some person saying, “Oh, Elizabeth. I have everything set for a wedding, but my groom backed out at the last minute. I know you’re engaged, would you like to take over my wedding reservations?” I could see that happening, but maybe there is a limit of stupidity that even Lynn Johnston will not cross.

Now we are presented with the idea that Elizabeth will set a wedding date, for no other reason than she is afraid Grandpa Jim will die too soon to participate. And after all, she is planning to wear Grandpa Jim’s 1st wife’s old 1970s wedding dress; so it would be nice if Grandpa Jim was there to appreciate it and confirm to everyone that it is, in fact, Marian’s old dress. When you get right down to it, without the imminent death of Grandpa Jim, Elizabeth could go forever engaged to Anthony and never married to him.

There is part of me that wishes we are seeing a story of a very complex characterization of the relationship of Liz and Anthony. Lynn Johnston has presented compelling reasons why Liz might feel she needs to be engaged to Anthony Caine, and also compelling reasons why Liz is barely interested in the man and should never marry him. All the complex interactions are there in the strip, and it is maddening how they are never addressed.

In many respects, my desire for a better story has made it seem to me like Liz’s hemming and hawing over the wedding date was directly in relation to these opposing forces, and finally addressing the incompatibilities of the two characters in an indirect way. Unfortunately, what we probably really actually have is Elizabeth Patterson’s delay in setting a date is honestly and truly the “no rush, one day at a time” excuse. Elizabeth may well say, “I guess I will have to set a wedding date after all. Darn you Grandpa Jim for being so stinking old.”

To me, the better story is the one that close matches my friend’s wedding because of her mother. Liz marries Anthony because of pressure to get Grandpa Jim in her ceremony. Then later on, Elizabeth regrets the decision to marry Anthony Caine, for all the reasons Lynn Johnston has already presented about Anthony Caine’s questionable behaviour in his marriage and with Liz. I wish Lynn Johnston would use what she has already taken the time to set up, in telling this story.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is especially gross about April applying this pressure is, Liz is not and never has been close to Grandpa Jim. April is imagining that Liz should feel what she feels for Jim, and that just sucks. It is kind of sad that Liz does not have an interest in Jim, but that lack of interest always seemed to go both ways, from what I could tell. Jim spent time with Mike, and with April, but not so much with Liz. Liz is not obligated to want to rush into a wedding on Jim's behalf, just because April would want to do so if she were in Liz's shoes. I really doubt Liz cares much about Jim being at the wedding, even if she is wearing Marian's not-so-old dress. It's not like she didn't know before this that Jim is at death's door. News flash, April: Liz doesn't care.

1:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


For some reason, Elizabeth Patterson is playing this game with her wedding that is typical for many of the things that have happened in her life, i.e. she likes to let things happen to her. Her jobs magically appear. Her boyfriends magically appear. Even her cat magically appears. It is almost as if Elizabeth expects that her wedding will magically appear without her having to do a thing to set it into motion. After all, what does she expect will happen, when she says things like, “I don’t want to rush into anything! I want to take it a day at a time!” She has been presented this way several times, enough so that it is not coincidence. However, each time it happens I wonder if Lynn Johnston realizes just how ridiculous it is and how incredibly stupid Elizabeth comes off. If she doesn’t, then what we are waiting for is some person saying, “Oh, Elizabeth. I have everything set for a wedding, but my groom backed out at the last minute. I know you’re engaged, would you like to take over my wedding reservations?” I could see that happening, but maybe there is a limit of stupidity that even Lynn Johnston will not cross.

I don't share that hope at all. I've always thought that Liz is Lynn-as-passive-beneficiary-of-unexpected-largesse. For her to plan anything would mean that she would be the guide of her own life and that's something someone who trusts that fate will always provide will not acceot.

3:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


It is kind of sad that Liz does not have an interest in Jim, but that lack of interest always seemed to go both ways, from what I could tell. Jim spent time with Mike, and with April, but not so much with Liz.

This is probably why she finds the business of the harmonica so irritating. Since Jim means so little to her, his posessions don't carry the same weight as those who do. She's probably angry that John and Elly bequeathed all the family heirlooms to Mike but Jim's stuff can be handed away to the first comer.

3:21 AM  
Blogger howard said...


It's not like she didn't know before this that Jim is at death's door. News flash, April: Liz doesn't care.

True enough and to Lynn's credit, the strip is even written that way. Liz's first reaction when April suggests that she needs to set a wedding date is not "You're right, April. I've been waiting long enough. I better do that." She immediately goes to her "one day at a time" philosophy.

7:23 AM  
Blogger howard said...


For her to plan anything would mean that she would be the guide of her own life and that's something someone who trusts that fate will always provide will not accept.

You are right that Liz has always been the model of the passive Patterson. So, how can she still remain passive and set a date? My guess is that she will set a date, then Elly or someone else will take over and do the wedding for her. Elly was pretty hands-off on Mike's wedding, so maybe it will be little Francie. She's not been trained to be passive, yet.

7:25 AM  
Blogger Ellie said...

My guess is that she will set a date, then Elly or someone else will take over and do the wedding for her.

On the Offbeat Bride blog, there was a writeup of a really cool wedding that was done as a community potluck. Nothing but the gathering space was planned ahead of time, and the bride and groom got to sit back and enjoy as people brought everything from a wedding cake to interpretive dance entertainment.

Considering how little hand Liz has had in the wedding planning (ring, dress) to date, I wouldn't be surprised to see Lynn do something like that, although it would be glurgy instead of quirky-cool. Not only will we have the inevitable limo from Mayes Motors, flowers from Lawrence, and photography by Weed, but there will be a veritable cornucopia of minor characters piling in to provide goods and services for free, just because they love the Pattersons so much. Payment? Why, that would be crass, when everybody is pulling together to get Lizthony married before Jim croaks!

And I will bet $20 that the date gets picked not by Liz or Anthony, but by one of the minor characters popping up to say, "I can provide you free such-and-such on this date, if you want to get married then."

8:16 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Not only will we have the inevitable limo from Mayes Motors, flowers from Lawrence, and photography by Weed, but there will be a veritable cornucopia of minor characters piling in to provide goods and services for free, just because they love the Pattersons so much.

Considering how much the Pattersons criticized Mike and Deanna's big wedding, and then again with Liz and Shawna-Marie Verano's wedding, I can definitely see this happening.

And I will bet $20 that the date gets picked not by Liz or Anthony, but by one of the minor characters popping up to say, "I can provide you free such-and-such on this date, if you want to get married then."

There's a bet I wouldn't take. It would be so Liz to have someone else set the date for her.

8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been reading this strip for a couple months now, after being out of the comic-strip habit for a few years. But still, if April hadn't started by saying "Liz," I'd have had no idea who the woman driving was.

I'd noticed, when I'd occasionally see FBoFW, that Elizabeth was becoming increasingly unlike her old self, and more of a sort of idealized, characterless "beauty," but now it's reached the point where they just had a Liz plotline, and I still can't recognize her when I see her.

Does anyone else have this problem, or is it time for the home?

Elly may have a potato nose, but at least I know it's her when I see it.

7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You wondered how Lynn could top herself in awfulness with the Lizthony wedding. I think she is doing it.

Granthony finally makes a move on Liz moments after she is assaulted; they hook up when Liz's date gets drunk and Anthony's pushes him at Liz where they go romping merrily through rosebushes when Liz is supposed to be an attendant; they get engaged in a businesslike manner after Warren shows up. Now, they will get married because Grandpa Jim is going to die. Romance made in heaven, by golly.

8:06 PM  
Blogger howard said...

Diamond Joe

I'd noticed, when I'd occasionally see FBoFW, that Elizabeth was becoming increasingly unlike her old self, and more of a sort of idealized, characterless "beauty," but now it's reached the point where they just had a Liz plotline, and I still can't recognize her when I see her.

Both of the Patterson girls have this problem. Their jawlines have changed shape and their lips have grown to enormous sizes. The jawlines in particular have changed the way their faces look.

11:25 PM  
Blogger howard said...


You wondered how Lynn could top herself in awfulness with the Lizthony wedding. I think she is doing it.

Yes, Liz being forced into a wedding date, is a new level of awful for this wedding.

11:26 PM  

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