Friday, June 15, 2007

Fat and Winking

Julia, easily the most aggressive character to inhabit For Better or For Worse in years is the means by which Lynn Johnston appears to be finally forcing the excessively passive Anthony Caine and Elizabeth Patterson together. I honestly thought the person who would fulfill this role would be the reintroduced Candace Halloran, who is supposed to be attending the Shawna-Marie Verano wedding, but has yet to make an appearance. However, if Candace were to stay in character, she would not push Elizabeth to be with Anthony, but would instead tell Elizabeth the way she thinks about things is not necessarily right, which one of the main reasons most people like Candace. Candace usually doesn't push people to do things, and so I think Julia had to be introduced for this purpose. Not only that, but Lynn Johnston probably believes men are supposed to be the aggressors, and having Elizabeth ask Anthony out to the wedding in the first place, is probably as aggressive as Elizabeth needs to be. She's dropped her hint she's interested in Anthony, and the knucklehead should have asked Elizabeth out to do something else in the 5 weeks which passed from her invitation to the wedding. Today's strip demonstrated to perfection, exactly why Anthony didn't do that. He's so drippy, you could sail a boat on him. He needs a Julia character to knock some common sense into him, and she seems to be doing just that.

Julia's wink reminded me of someone who fulfilled almost the exact same purpose---George Stibbs. The Pattersons are trying to convince Elly that the tiny house is better for her than it would be for Mike's family and George Stibbs is in on it. The clincher is when he winks to John in this strip:, so we know the whole pitch to Elly was pre-planned. And thus with George's help, the great house switch takes place.

Another possibility is April's career choice for veterinarian. I think the next time April goes out to Winnipeg (August is my guess), Auntie Bev will have a fat, winking person on her farm who will push April to chose veterinary medicine as a career, until April finally relents and fills out a university application.

Fat, winking people. They are magic. They make things happen. Beware!


Blogger April Patterson said...

LOL--who knew? The fat, winking people control everything! ;)

11:22 AM  
Blogger howard said...

I think I better get my winking ability back in shape.

11:33 AM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

As you probably guessed from April's hint, tomorrow's strip is Michael-centric. If you are game, I will leave this to you for a Michael dispatch. :)

3:15 PM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

Happy Father's Day! :)

11:47 AM  
Blogger howard said...

Thanks. Tell your husband Happy Father's Day, also.

10:46 PM  

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