Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Missing Part of Shawna-Marie’s Wedding

I remember when Michael Patterson had his party honouring him as an author thinking to myself, “Now here is an opportunity to really pull the old characters of For Better or For Worse out of the woodwork for one last hurrah!” Then the only people who were pulled were Gordon and Tracey Mayes, and their main objective was to provide a means by which, Anthony Caine would find out about Warren and Liz. I was shocked Lynn Johnston had missed that great opportunity.

Here we are at Shawna-Marie’s wedding and the bridesmaids are handling the flowers and my thought is that once again we are seeing a large number of missed opportunities, like:

a. The bachelorette party.
b. A bridal shower

Either of these two venues would have afforded Lynn a little opportunity to reacquaint us with where Dawn is in her life, and where Shawna-Marie is in her life. Instead we had 3 days of Liz bonding with Candace while the point is made against traditional wedding ceremonies. Then 3 days of Shawna-Marie battles her mother, while someone magically created a new guy for Liz. Personally, I could have used at least of those days where Dawn mentions her own wedding plans during a bridal show, or a few days of Shawna-Marie, Liz, and Dawn getting trashed at her bachelorette party. It would have been a lot more fun than a corset joke.


Blogger April Patterson said...

Yes, and the "corset" joke is just one more instance of someone answering a question with an overly literal response. So tired of that device in FBoFW.

3:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree.

These silly strips are are even more disappointing because so little time remains before the curtain comes down!

3:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems strange to me that all the guests that are shown are white.

3:49 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Yes, the overly literal response. My 11-year-old boy loves doing that kind of joke.


I agree with you completely. Supposedly Shawna-Marie is black and has black relatives, but so far it's just mom and presumably the unnamed groom I have seen so far. No cousins, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles etc., unless they are implying Shawna-Marie's mother married a white, Montreal man when she immigrated to Canada from Argentina, and all of her relatives that would have been black are back in Argentina.

6:40 AM  

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