Monday, May 21, 2007

Deanna Patterson, the Sneakiest Patterson

I was going to write this as a response to someone on the FOOBiverse's Journal, but the size of it was too daunting for a Live Journal post and I had no desire to edit it down.

We all know Deanna Patterson schemed against Michael to get pregnant with Merrie on her honeymoon and to shut down his dream career of wandering around the globe with Josef Weeder. Deanna was also the one to matchmake Josef with Carleen Stein. It is difficult to ignore the idea Deanna is trying to shut down her huband's relationship with Josef Weeder.

We all know Deanna schemed to have the 2 weddings, so she could satisfy her skewed moral sense, while supposedly satisfying her mother's desires for a big wedding. However by telling everyone about the first wedding except her mother, what Deanna was really doing is giving her mother the impression she is an immoral girl who was not a virgin on her wedding night, while everyone else knows better. This way, if Mira Sobinski ever accused Deanna of being a slut for living with Mike in advance of wedding #2, Deanna could throw the secret wedding in her face.

Now for Deanna's latest scheme, which is finally coming to an end, once again in Deanna's favour.

On May 17, 2005, when moving into their new upstairs apartment, Deanna and Mike spend the night at Elly and John's place and Deanna declares it would be amazing if they bought this house someday. Mike agrees, after Deanna suggests it, but lists the reasons why it can’t happen:

1. It’s too far from where he works.
2. He’d never be able to afford it.
3. His folks would never dream of selling.
In this strip from October 15, 2005, Deanna explains to Mike that he can quit his job mainly based on her salary. Notice this directly applies to #1 on the list. Mike does not respond and continues to work at Portrait.

What is going on with Deanna’s salary in October, 2005, you may ask? We learn from this letter:

Deanna's Letter, July 2005

It worked out well, because I'd expected to work part-time while looking for a full-time job elsewhere, but our head pharmacist had a health scare and as a result decided to retire early, so the rest of us moved up the food chain a bit and I got to go back with full-time hours.

Health scare. Decides to retire early. Sounds a little suspicious to me. Nevertheless, after meeting with Mike and showing him her salary in the October 15, 2005 strip, Mike continues to work. He must have been unimpressed. Deanna needs to up the ante on her salary. Then we get this letter:

Dee's Letter, December 2005

My job is keeping me so busy - now that I'm a manager, I have staff concerns on my shoulders. I like having more control (and the extra money is great) but I never realized when I was part time how much work my supervisors did!

In 5 months, Deanna goes from part-time work to full-time work to running the whole pharmacy. How would she have that kind of pull to move into that position that quickly? The answer lies here:

Deanna's Letter, June 2005

I'm hoping to stay full time at the pharmacy in the Spigott Building where Mike's Dad works.

Would a doctor working in a building since 1978 have any influence over a pharmacy manager selection for a pharmacy in that building? Who knows? In any case, Deanna’s increased salary addresses item #2 on the list. Her actual salary as a pharmacy manager is not mentioned until this letter, and look who it is that knows how much she makes:

John's Letter, March 2007

On that note, George Stibbs is ready to sell his place, and April thought it would be a good place for Mike and Deanna to move. I agreed, and suggested to Mike and Deanna that we could help them out with the down payment. Mike is not a business type thinker, but Deanna has a pretty good grip on things financial. Even though Mike is no longer working, she can see that they could afford a house just with her income. As a pharmacist, she makes around $100,000 per year, and if they had help with the down payment, it actually could work out to being less than rent on a two bedroom apartment. I had a discussion with the two of them, and it's interesting. Mike is convinced that they simply cannot afford a house, that renting is the only option. Deanna can see that a house is not impossible at all. Her folks also said they would help them out with the deposit, and Mike just got the advance on his new book, so it looks like the down payment is really looked after! Deanna and I agree that it's do-able.

Notice the conversation between Deanna and John Patterson. They are working together on the financial arrangements. This accounts for item #3. John Patterson is on board. Items #2 and #3 are handled, but Deanna can’t get Mike to quit his job, and she has to get Elly to agree to sell the house. Mike needs to have a salary substitute for Portrait, but how to get it and how to get Mike out of the Lovey Saltzman apartment?

December 19 - 21, 2006 (or Christmas Eve in the strip). Mike informs Deanna he is about to finish his book in another hour. Deanna leaves for parts unknown. Coincidentally, just as Mike finishes his book, the smoke alarm goes off. Mike rouses the sleeping Deanna, and look how nonchalantly she picks up clothes for her kids to get dressed to leave the burning apartment. It’s as if she already knows how serious the fire is at that point. She doesn’t get distressed until her idiot husband runs back into the apartment to get the manuscript. I suppose Deanna may have thought the novel was backed up remotely, and was surprised (like most of us were) to find out her husband didn’t do that.

On December 22, is the most suspicious element of the fire. Deanna comes down the fire escape and is surprised to see the Kelpfroth bedroom in flames. But when the firefighter directly asks her if there is anyone in the bedroom, Deanna says she doesn't know about downstairs, and mentions Mike going after the novel in the attic. In other words, she intentionally diverts the firefighters from going to help the Kelpfroths. Is it just because she wants them to save Mike instead? It can't be because she forgot about the Kelpfroths in the heat of the moment, because she just mentioned them. Maybe, there is a more sinister reason, like arson, and eliminating witnesses. Whatever the reason, Mike is out of Toronto just as his book is finished, and with no injury to any of the Pattersons.

One of the keys to get Mike to quit his job is for the book to get published, and miraculously it happens with the first publisher he tries. Or is that miraculous? Look at John Patterson’s words in this strip:

“Something bad has to be followed by something good” says John Patterson. Well, not in real life. But with the proper financial influence, it could happen, and maybe even explain the extraordinarily high advance Mike got for his very first book. Then there is the question of why Deanna and Mike don’t just move into another apartment. The clue for that is given in this letter, again coming from you-know-who:

John's Letter, February 2007

I think it would be great if Liz moved out, but she seems to be in no rush. Neither are Michael and his family! They have looked at a number of apartments - but nothing suits them (or suits Deanna!) I think they want what they had before, and it's just not possible.

According to John, Deanna is the one stalling the process. But why?

The answer comes in these strips. Within 2 months of having to commute to go to work at Portrait Magazine from Milborough, Michael can’t stand the drive anymore and quits at the first opportunity so quickly he doesn't even give 2 weeks notice or take the time to discuss it with his bosses. Deanna’s reaction at the news tells the real story. She has been waiting for this moment. She is not even the least bit concerned about the loss of Mike’s salary, and in the same strip says to Mike they can stop looking in the city for a place to live. That tells us everything about where Deanna's priorities are.

By March, Deanna and John are working together to convince Mike to buy the Stibbs’ place. Then they take Elly to visit the Stibbs’ place. Did you notice Deanna hanging around in the background while George Stibbs, John and Michael worked on Elly to get her to agree to switch houses? Did you see Deanna ever disagree with George Stibbs, John or Michael? Some people may call Deanna a doormat, but in May, 2007; Deanna Patterson has overcome all 3 items on Michael Patterson’s list. She is getting the house she wanted 2 years ago. I don’t say doormat. I say scheming, conspiratorial woman. Of all the Patterson women, she is the only one who is getting what she wants.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

“I say scheming, conspiratorial woman. Of all the Patterson women, she is the only one who is getting what she wants.”

These are the adjectives I’d use to describe Deanna: intelligent, clever, tactful, sensitive, loving, and hard working. She is able to get what she wants by gentle persuasion, not by domineering. Deanna has per priorities in the right order and she instinctively makes good choices. And she is also beautiful!

3:57 AM  
Blogger howard said...

Oh anonymous,

You're no fun. Couldn't you at least add arsonist to your list?

9:26 AM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

Oh, and at least concede that the bowlcut is not flattering. ;)

3:20 PM  
Blogger howard said...

Ooh! Good point about the bowl cut! How about too much collagen in those lips? That may be tough to complain about, since April and Liz have recently taken to the collagen also.

4:38 PM  
Blogger Amber said...

This is the funniest blog I have read on any subject in a long time! Arsonist? Hmmm?

5:37 PM  

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