Shiimsa Again!!
Ever since I adopted the character of Howard Bunt, I have long awaited his reappearance. But this week, as we entered the trial and instead had a week of unrelenting Shiimsa the cat strips, I am beginning to wonder if Lynn's heart is in it. The way she is going, I wouldn't be surprised if we suddenly got an out-of-court plea bargain, and Elizabeth says, "Thank goodness, I didn't have to testify. Howard decided to go to prison on his own. Anthony, you can propose any time now." Shoot, she won't even take the time to show us Liz interacting with Anthony and Francoise, which should be rife with story-telling possibilities. We got that second-hand. I think we will not only get robbed of the Howard Bunt trial story, but there is a very good chance, we will also be robbed of the "Elizabeth and Anthony rediscover each other" story.
This morning I dashed off my usual 4 for April's Real Blog and then the kids and I went down to support Tucson's big annual bicycle race "El Tour de Tucson." Then we went to an Eagle Court of Honor for the Boy Scouts. Then I took the boy around to deliver Boy Scout popcorn to the neighbours. And that was pretty much the day. I was looking forward to seeing all the action on April's Real Blog that had occurred while I was gone, and I must admit, I was a little disappointed it was a single post from aprilp_katje doing April. I guess we must be going through another dry spell.
Tomorrow's strip: We finally see Elly doing the big list of things she said she was doing when she retired back in April, and we will probably never see them again. Enjoy it while you can.
This morning I dashed off my usual 4 for April's Real Blog and then the kids and I went down to support Tucson's big annual bicycle race "El Tour de Tucson." Then we went to an Eagle Court of Honor for the Boy Scouts. Then I took the boy around to deliver Boy Scout popcorn to the neighbours. And that was pretty much the day. I was looking forward to seeing all the action on April's Real Blog that had occurred while I was gone, and I must admit, I was a little disappointed it was a single post from aprilp_katje doing April. I guess we must be going through another dry spell.
Tomorrow's strip: We finally see Elly doing the big list of things she said she was doing when she retired back in April, and we will probably never see them again. Enjoy it while you can.
We finally see Elly doing the big list of things she said she was doing when she retired back in April, and we will probably never see them again. Enjoy it while you can.
This strip felt to me like a total retcon--"Ooh, it's time to show that Elly's having that active retirement she said she would have." I agree, it's probably a now-you-see-it/now-you-don't thing. :)
For each of the items shown, there is probably an interesting story that could have developed-- the magnificent success of the theatre fun-draiser, thanks to Elly's handmade signs, or Connie Poirier's rejection over Elly using a gym, and things like that. Of course the best time to have done that would have been after Elly retired and not 7 months later, but there is much about this strip that runs behind the times. It took April a full year to reform her band after Becky left, for example.
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