Liz Lies to Herself
In today’s For Better or For Worse, Lynn Johnston has switched the focus from Liz and Anthony (and Francie too) to Liz and her parents, starting first with Elly. Liz is completely dimwitted when it comes to the Howard Bunt trial, which when you think about it is quite strange. Howard was willing to follow her to her house, the same house where she is living now when he attacked her, they are playing him as a serial rapist, and yet Liz seems to be more concerned that the trial is taking a long time than Howard gets put away. If were Liz, I would be a little bit more worried about the Crown doing whatever it needed to make sure Howard got put away. You don’t want rapist Howard freed and seeking revenge on the woman who pressed charges, after all. Yet Elly and Liz seem to be completely unconcerned about such things. When I think about it, Howard was defeated by Anthony’s ear-tweaking, so there probably isn’t anything to worry about.
I could relate quite a bit to the Elly / Liz dynamic in this strip. When I lived in Texas and we were close proximity to my wife’s parents, she received lectures on a regular basis. After we moved to Arizona, the parents were, in general, sweetness and light when we went back to Texas to visit. But one time we stayed too long, and we literally saw them reverting back to the lecturing parents. It was a good measure of how much time we could spend in Texas on a visit. Liz has been home long enough for the bloom to go off the rose. Elly is back to her nasty judgmental, not-really-listening self.
The easiest-to-snark line was the “Get It Done kind of person” stated by Liz about herself. I chose Susan Dokis to snark it primarily and limited it only to stories she could have heard about Liz from people in Mtigwaki. The list was long, even with those limits. The fact that Liz believes this about herself is very amusing.
Tomorrow’s strip: How to feed animals the Liz and Elly way. First you remove your brain, and then you feed it to the animals.
I could relate quite a bit to the Elly / Liz dynamic in this strip. When I lived in Texas and we were close proximity to my wife’s parents, she received lectures on a regular basis. After we moved to Arizona, the parents were, in general, sweetness and light when we went back to Texas to visit. But one time we stayed too long, and we literally saw them reverting back to the lecturing parents. It was a good measure of how much time we could spend in Texas on a visit. Liz has been home long enough for the bloom to go off the rose. Elly is back to her nasty judgmental, not-really-listening self.
The easiest-to-snark line was the “Get It Done kind of person” stated by Liz about herself. I chose Susan Dokis to snark it primarily and limited it only to stories she could have heard about Liz from people in Mtigwaki. The list was long, even with those limits. The fact that Liz believes this about herself is very amusing.
Tomorrow’s strip: How to feed animals the Liz and Elly way. First you remove your brain, and then you feed it to the animals.
How to feed animals the Liz and Elly way. First you remove your brain, and then you feed it to the animals.
So true! First of all, Shiimsa wouldn't finish her food in one sitting. She'd eat some of it and expect it to still be there later when she's ready to eat more. Second, as soon as Eddy got released from the basement, he'd head over to that Shiimsa bowl and have a feast. Duh, Lynn!
My grandmother had a cat and a dog, and she always kept the cat's food elevated to prevent the dog from scarfing it. Whenever the dog was at my parents' house, our poor cat would lose his food to her.
At one point in my childhood, we had 2 dogs and 11 cats, and the cats food was placed on top of the elevated rabbit hutches, where the dog couldn't get it. The dogs were merciless eating machines and the cats were finicky, slow eaters. Lynn is trying to make this awful pun, which will be funny only to persons who have never owned both a cat and a dog. To those people, they simply will say, "That's not the way it works" and will probably be too distracted by that to find the joke funny. Slice of life humour doesn't work unless it has that "I've seen that and I know it's true" aspect. Your April's Real Blog snark is right on the money.
Your April's Real Blog snark is right on the money.
Thanks--I had fun writing today's entry. :)
Having to mess with a cat and its food is a dangerous prospect. I wish you luck with that, Laura. As for the cat on table feeding argument, sometimes people on the FOOBiverse's Journal try to bait me into an argument, and if I get worked up, the easiest thing to do is to stop replying and let them have the last word. Of course I didn't do that last Sunday, so I may not be the best example.
My problem is, I can't stand to let a person have the last word if they are persisting in being a jerk. So I usually try not to get into these arguments in the first place.
I think part of the problem is that I'm living at home with my parents. For reasons I won't go into (too embarrassing), one of the conditions for living here is to never, ever express any opinion differing from my dad's on any topic. And Dad is constantly trying to bait me into breaking The Rule. So I have had to cultivate a very flat personality for the last year or so. I basically don't respond to any conversation that requires an opinion as part of the answer. (Yes, freakish, I know.)
So it is very hard not to let it all just come pouring out on the Internet, where there are no real repercussions for being a jerk. :)
BTW, I'm finally in a position where I will have the money to leave very shortly. (Yay! x googleplex)
I only vaguely remember the person being a jerk to you last weekend, but IIRC, it was 100% undeserved.
Oh, and I gave up on trying to feed my fat cat on a schedule. That's a totally untenable idea. I figured out sneakier ways to limit her food.
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