Monday, March 22, 2010

Justified Irritation

Today’s new-run of For Better or For Worse hits upon a common theme in the early strips -- Michael bugging one of his parents, while they are trying to do something else. Mind you, I looked for the phrase “justified irritation” and “missed opportunity” on the Comic Strip Catalog and did not find anything which matched the situation of today’s strip. "Justified irritation" never appears. In the last panel of today’s strip, it looks like John has rolled up the newspaper in preparation for pummeling young Michael Patterson and refers to it as a missed opportunity, possibly because he could have pummeled Mike with the paper in any of the prior panels.

I did find a number of strips where Michael nags Elly in this strip, this strip, this strip, this strip and this strip. In none of them does Elly feel remorse for a missed opportunity.

There are also a few where Mike nags John as in this strip and this strip. In none of them does John feel remorse for a missed opportunity. This is one where Elly feels guilt. A rare event.

Here are a few strips where John actually tries to spend time with Michael and fails. This one is one of the rare strips where Michael interrupts John to ask him to play with him, and John actually does it. I could not find a similar strip with Elly Patterson playing with Michael after being nagged.


Blogger Clio said...

That last one: jeez, Elly, is Michael never allowed to play? She's told him to put his toys away numerous times while he's playing with them. Crazy woman.

1:14 AM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

There seems to be an overarching theme in all these strips; not only is Mike not allowed to play or interrupt his parents, they actively fear having to spend time with him owing to the delusion that by doing so, they surrender their authority forever and always. Not only are they crazy and mean-spirited, they're as dumb as stumps.

2:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Elly willingly spent her free time with her kids, it was usually to enlist them in doing tasks she thought needed done -or- To Teach Them An Important Lesson. Which usually ended with her stewing and resentful at Those Lousy Rotten Kids.

Like the time she carelessly put frozen orange juice into a fresh-out-of-the-dishwasher pitcher, which of course broke. She pompously called Liz and Mike to her and tried to play at being Mrs. Wizard. It was so silly that OF COURSE Mike made a flippant remark, and off she went in a rage!

John is less perfect and saintly than Elly, so he never does stuff like that. He just does foolish things like make paper snowflakes (WHAT A MESS!!!) or take his kids on excursions to the Farmer's Market to buy apples (FORCING HIS OVERWORKED WIFE TO IMMEDIATELY COOK THEM ALL!!!)

3:05 AM  
Blogger Holly said...

Here's a nice strip where John's lecture gives way to fun playing with his son. It can be added to your collection of rare strips where the Pattersons seem to be enjoying themselves.

4:02 AM  
Anonymous Steeler said...

It might be my old eyes, or monitor resolution, but the sound effect in the the bottom left panel of the strip "forworse" posted caused me to spit my coffee all over my keyboard!

6:55 AM  
Blogger Holly said...

OMG, I see it too now!

7:28 AM  
Blogger howard said...


That last one: jeez, Elly, is Michael never allowed to play?

Playing should never get in the way of cleaning. Cleaning is more important than playing.

9:21 AM  
Blogger howard said...


There seems to be an overarching theme in all these strips; not only is Mike not allowed to play or interrupt his parents, they actively fear having to spend time with him owing to the delusion that by doing so, they surrender their authority forever and always.

I have been reading Jane Eyre lately, and the beginning of the book with young Jane living in the house of her Aunt is very much like this. Jane spends quite a bit of time not allowed to speak and being told to sit quietly. Of course, in Jane Eyre, this was supposed to a sign she was being abused, but in this universe, it’s a different story.

9:21 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Like the time she carelessly put frozen orange juice into a fresh-out-of-the-dishwasher pitcher, which of course broke. She pompously called Liz and Mike to her and tried to play at being Mrs. Wizard. It was so silly that OF COURSE Mike made a flippant remark, and off she went in a rage!

This is the strip to which you are referring.

9:22 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Here's a nice strip where John's lecture gives way to fun playing with his son. It can be added to your collection of rare strips where the Pattersons seem to be enjoying themselves.

I remember when Lynn Johnston reprinted that one and I wondered how that one managed to make it in. These moments were rare in the Patterson life.

9:22 AM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

I have been reading Jane Eyre lately

Here's a crazy coincidence for you--I'm in the midst of Jane Eyre, too. I've been listening to it in audiobook form. :)

3:09 PM  
Blogger howard said...

Even crazier, I've also been listening to it in audiobook form. I am in the middle of disk #2.

5:01 PM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

Even crazier, I've also been listening to it in audiobook form.

Uncanny! Read by Amanda Root?

I am in the middle of disk #2.

I'm listening to it as a Playaway pre-loaded audiobook, so I don't know which CD I'd be on.

5:21 PM  
Blogger howard said...

Susan Ericksen is the reader.

11:55 PM  

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