Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Three Plotketeers

In today’s new-run of For Better or For Worse, we see Lynn Johnston combine together 3 types of storylines. In 1991, we saw a single strip of gum in the pants pocket messing up laundry. In 1994, we saw a sequence of little Aypo taking a pair of scissors to a number of things for a weeklong story. The difference between this story and the new-run is that unlike little Aypo, little Michael’s cutting of something with scissors is inadvertently directed by Elly. That leads us into theme #3, Elly tells the child to do something, and they try to follow the direction to humourous results.

I have never actually faced the situation of gum inside the pants from washing. I do the laundry in my family and I go through a ritual of sticking my hands in pants pockets and feeling across the body of the garment for any hidden hard things I may have missed. Even so, I still miss things. I would think gum would be hard to find. It’s soft and small and does not have hard edges. My kids like to chew gum, so it seems logical that some day they will decide to take the gum out of their little mouths and stick it in their pockets. Well, maybe not that logical. Gum in your pocket, means you lose the ability to stick your hand in your pocket. I would expect gum in your pocket to make a mess as you were putting it in your pocket, not just at laundry time. The only camera in my house this time is where I miss something and it gets washed and hopefully not destroyed.


Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

I should have guessed that this was another Frankenfoob; it seems like we'll have to check over the next six or seven filler Sunday strips to see what classic material she's alluding to. As for why the Pattersons do so much laundry, I think that forworse is right to assume that it's because Elly sucks at it.

3:49 AM  
Blogger howard said...

We are pretty much guaranteed that Lynn is going to do a new-run every Sunday until the end of March, since she has already reprinted all the Sunday strips through March, 1981; except the one occurring on Valentine's Day weekend. I have found that with the Sunday strips, the first thing I do is go back over old strips because, since the advent of the Comic Strip Catalog, I have inadvertently found that many new-run Sunday strips in the past took old strips and did minor variations to them. Lynn Johnston is definitely in the "least amount of effort" mode these days, to get herself to her Early Spring deadline for straight reprints. I am convinced, by virtue of what has already been reprinted on Sunday, Early Spring = End of March.

4:55 AM  

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