Thursday, August 28, 2008

Meta Already?

I had expected the Meta-ish strip to be on Sunday based on the interview with Lynn Johnston, but here it is in today’s For Better or For Worse, as John says. “a nice way to end a story” and Elly says, “a nice way to end today.” Obviously John means to end the story he is in, while Elly corrects him to mean the modern storyline, because there will be plenty more new stuff, just set 30 years ago.

This conversation really only works as a look from the outside, because from the inside of the story, you would expect problems at the reception with whether to delay the dinner until Anthony and Liz finally decide to arrive, plus preparations made for dancing and the activities involved with the bride and groom at the reception, and the feelings of the guests as Anthony and Elizabeth delay longer. In this situation in real life, there would a lot of things to deal with, and the mother of the bride would be running around telling everyone what was going on.

I doubt that Lynn Johnston will address any of that. We have gotten to where she wanted to get. Liz is married to Anthony. Grandpa Jim got to see her in Marian’s dress. End of story.

Will Lynn Johnston start in on her predicted future of the characters in tomorrow’s strip? I guess we will have to wait and see.


Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

I think we are in for a bit of a time skip. The next two are going to be used to tell Anthony and Liz's son why he's named James. Sunday they'll remind him what the rest of the family is up to now. Monday, they all return to the past and Liz tells him abd Francie about her early years.

2:11 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Quite a few predictions there, and they seem very believable. I am not sure about having a lead-in to the past with Liz, since the strip is Elly-centric, but it could happen.

6:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Lynn, way to waste the last few strips. Could we not have had even ONE STRIP where Francie accepts Liz into the family? We've never really heard her say it's okay that she's getting a new mother--which is exactly what is happening. Everyone just ignores the Francie angle in favor of the Big! Fat! Wedding! It makes me sick.

10:44 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Wow Lynn, way to waste the last few strips.

I agree. These strips have shown so little effort, I really wonder why she isn't retiring. She doesn't seem to be into it at all.

Could we not have had even ONE STRIP where Francie accepts Liz into the family? We've never really heard her say it's okay that she's getting a new mother--which is exactly what is happening.

I agree with you here too. When my sister got married the second time, her son acted as his new step-dad's best man to show that acceptance publicly. There is a lot that could have been done with little Francie. You would think that since this a subject near and dear to Lynn's own experience, she would do more with it.

12:29 PM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

howtheduck, I don't know if you saw my post on this at Foobiverse, but I got a reply from Stephanie about the identity of the guests in panel two on 8/26/08. :)

4:59 PM  
Blogger howard said...


So it was Candace's Aunt Ruby, Georgia Richards, Vivian Crane, Gary Crane. I am disappointed it was not Jesse Mukwa, because then there could be the potential for a Grandpa Jim harmonica smackdown between April and Jesse.

6:40 PM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

I am disappointed it was not Jesse Mukwa, because then there could be the potential for a Grandpa Jim harmonica smackdown between April and Jesse.

I'd love to see such a smackdown, but I doubt it would happen. Nothing to highlight that Pretty-Princess Liz did the wrong thing.

4:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a couple of blogs behind, but read the Anthony Bio and felt more sympathy than ever for Therese. Both her and Anthony come from horribly dydfunctional families, but she was the only one who went to counseling. True she jumped on the results pretty fast, but she did it, and chose to take some action. Too bad it wasn't so great for Francoise. Too bad Anthony didn't get any counseling, he certainly needed and still needs it. One of those guys that I would advise anyone to run far, far away from. But, of course, silly me, then Liz wouldn't have been the one to raise him up. Also feel really bad about the slight to Francoise at the wedding. In my experience when step childen are involved in weddings and a family coming together, they are given a special role that acknowledges their significance in that family.

5:02 PM  

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