My Sister, the Veterinarian
My oldest sister loved animals when she was growing up. She had her own horse, which she rode in horse shows and my mother was very permissive in letting her keep a whole menagerie of animals at our house – bunnies, cats, dogs, guinea pigs, hamsters, fish, and parakeets. She decided she wanted to be a veterinarian, and she used to tell me regularly her favourite statistic that 90% of persons who know what they want to be before they go to a university will achieve their career goals. This was in stark contrast to me at the time, because I had no idea what I wanted to be.
However, my sister’s love of all things veterinarian came to a standstill when she learned that veterinarians have to do very well in math and science, 2 subjects at which my sister was very weak. So, instead she got a degree in business. After working in human resources for some years, my sister divorced her husband and married a man who made quite a bit more money than her ex-husband did. This allowed her to live the life of a stay-at-home mom. Or rather, I should say a stay-at-home mom who breeds cats. As it turned out, my sister actually prefers the activities of a cat-breeder to a veterinarian. She has kittens in her house almost all year long, and she doesn’t have to cut open any animals or stick her hand up to her elbow inside a cow. She has to deal with the occasion still-birth, or sick kitten, but those occasions are rare. I often think that this is the animal-related life she really wanted all those years ago, when she said she wanted to be vet.
My sister reminds me a lot of April Patterson in For Better or For Worse. She also likes riding horses, and she has had dogs and bunnies as pets. Moreover, April Patterson has seen the veterinary life including the animal surgeries and still wants to do it. Well, she thinks so. Not totally. Stuff could change. But we’ll see. It’s what she’s interested in. She is sort of leaning in that direction. OK. My sister was a lot more certain than April Patterson. April Patterson’s success will obviously depend on the idea that a Patterson can do whatever they want, without actually going the same steps everyone else does (see Mike’s book submission, Mike and Liz’s job-hunting, etc. for examples).
April says she has checked out what she needs to do to be a veterinarian; but this is Lynn Johnston really doing the writing, so we know she really hasn’t. A quick internet search showed me this information from the University of Winnipeg Pre-Veterinary School:
In addition to meeting The University of Winnipeg’s general admission requirements, you must have Chemistry 40S and either Pre-Calculus Mathematics 40S or Applied Mathematics 40S in order to take the required courses for admission to veterinary medicine. Physics 40S and Pre-Calculus Mathematics 40S may also be required, depending on the courses you select.
If I were April, I would take all 4 courses, just to be sure all my bases were covered. If I were Lynn Johnston, I would have a little chat with my former sister-in-law Beth Cruikshank, the veterinarian, and ask the question about what a kid in high school would really need to do to prepare for a pre-vet school application. If I were the guys on the field in today’s For Better or For Worse strip, I would tell April about the joys of crossing your legs or putting your knees together when you wear a short skirt, particularly in panel 3. It looks like she is wearing black panties to me.
However, my sister’s love of all things veterinarian came to a standstill when she learned that veterinarians have to do very well in math and science, 2 subjects at which my sister was very weak. So, instead she got a degree in business. After working in human resources for some years, my sister divorced her husband and married a man who made quite a bit more money than her ex-husband did. This allowed her to live the life of a stay-at-home mom. Or rather, I should say a stay-at-home mom who breeds cats. As it turned out, my sister actually prefers the activities of a cat-breeder to a veterinarian. She has kittens in her house almost all year long, and she doesn’t have to cut open any animals or stick her hand up to her elbow inside a cow. She has to deal with the occasion still-birth, or sick kitten, but those occasions are rare. I often think that this is the animal-related life she really wanted all those years ago, when she said she wanted to be vet.
My sister reminds me a lot of April Patterson in For Better or For Worse. She also likes riding horses, and she has had dogs and bunnies as pets. Moreover, April Patterson has seen the veterinary life including the animal surgeries and still wants to do it. Well, she thinks so. Not totally. Stuff could change. But we’ll see. It’s what she’s interested in. She is sort of leaning in that direction. OK. My sister was a lot more certain than April Patterson. April Patterson’s success will obviously depend on the idea that a Patterson can do whatever they want, without actually going the same steps everyone else does (see Mike’s book submission, Mike and Liz’s job-hunting, etc. for examples).
April says she has checked out what she needs to do to be a veterinarian; but this is Lynn Johnston really doing the writing, so we know she really hasn’t. A quick internet search showed me this information from the University of Winnipeg Pre-Veterinary School:
In addition to meeting The University of Winnipeg’s general admission requirements, you must have Chemistry 40S and either Pre-Calculus Mathematics 40S or Applied Mathematics 40S in order to take the required courses for admission to veterinary medicine. Physics 40S and Pre-Calculus Mathematics 40S may also be required, depending on the courses you select.
If I were April, I would take all 4 courses, just to be sure all my bases were covered. If I were Lynn Johnston, I would have a little chat with my former sister-in-law Beth Cruikshank, the veterinarian, and ask the question about what a kid in high school would really need to do to prepare for a pre-vet school application. If I were the guys on the field in today’s For Better or For Worse strip, I would tell April about the joys of crossing your legs or putting your knees together when you wear a short skirt, particularly in panel 3. It looks like she is wearing black panties to me.
It amazes me that April didn't realize what a high-handed goof she was being until she stammered out her plans. There was Gerald who knew what he wanted with his life and how to get it and here she is drifting. Experencing for herself how unimpressive she sounds is an unhappy reminder of how mature she isn't.
I have known a ton of girls who loved puppies and kitties and wanted to be vets. They all pursued this dream to varying degrees, but none of them actually made it through vet school. Of course, this is because loving animals is a tiny portion of what it takes to make it. Vet school is harder to get into than med school, as we have discussed before, due to the small number of schools.
Plus, there is the Patterson pressure to marry young and spawn. She would not be out of vet school until she was 26 at the earliest (if it is the same in Canada). Plus there is probably a residency/internship requirement of some sort. The people who do make it through are very focused. A person who views herself as a mom first and a vet student a distant second does not make it through school.
I suspect if the strip went on, in actuality, Lynn would do one of two things:
1. Have April quit to have babies, and become some other animal-related professional like your sister. This is a common career track for women who thought they wanted to be vets. I know a zillion pet sitters and breeders like that.
2. Have April get married young and have babies, barely ever mention studying or vet school, yet mysteriously have her graduate and be successful (off-stage). You know, the magic wand solution.
I go to a university right now where there is a vet school. They are a curious and dedicated bunch. There is a run-down trailer park right next to the vet school, where some non-vet friends of mine live. The rest of the tenants are vet students. They work very, very hard. Somehow I can't picture April living in a junky trailer, eating ramen, and working 12-15 hour days. Sorry, no Patterson is cut out for that. Pattersons get things handed to them.
Experencing for herself how unimpressive she sounds is an unhappy reminder of how mature she isn't.
This would be true except for the sequence from last October, where April is as solid as a rock on her future studies. Either (a) Lynn is trying to show us that April is not as solid as she once was, after almost a year of hard science and math; or (b) Lynn is trying to show us that she doesn't mind betraying her characterization of April in order to make a cheap joke. My money is on (b).
Vet school is harder to get into than med school, as we have discussed before, due to the small number of schools.
My sister is also impressed with veterinarians, because they make considerably less money than people who go to regular med school; thanks to not having a career funded by insurance companies.
Plus, there is the Patterson pressure to marry young and spawn. She would not be out of vet school until she was 26 at the earliest (if it is the same in Canada). Plus there is probably a residency/internship requirement of some sort.
There is a Patterson pressure to have a man. That is for sure. However, Lynn Johnston apparently liked Elizabeth in university so much, she kept her there for 5 years and retconned her age to be one year younger in order to cover for it. If she liked Liz in university struggling with teaching the cute, but mischievious Dylan; imagine how much fun she would have with April struggling with a Shiimsa-like animal of some sort. She has already done that to a certain degree with April and her Winnipeg horse.
1. Have April quit to have babies, and become some other animal-related professional like your sister.
Although this is realistic for my sister and many others, with both Laura and Beth Cruikshank as veterinarians, I cannot see April quitting to have babies.
2. Have April get married young and have babies, barely ever mention studying or vet school, yet mysteriously have her graduate and be successful (off-stage). You know, the magic wand solution.
I could definitely see April's years in veterinary school not be realistic, the same way John Patterson's years in dental school were not (John finishes his bachelors & is 2 years into dental school and yet is only 2 years older than Elly starting her bachelors, when they first meet). However, if I compare her to Elizabeth in university, there were quite a few studying moments.
Somehow I can't picture April living in a junky trailer, eating ramen, and working 12-15 hour days. Sorry, no Patterson is cut out for that. Pattersons get things handed to them.
When Elizabeth was in university, there were lots of scenes of her eating poorly, so I don't think that is a problem. However, there were also lots of scenes of her being lured away from her studies to go drinking with Candace and Rudy; so you are probably right on the working hard part.
I think that once again April's friends are being pressed into service as the smackdown crew, designated to take her down a peg because Lynn has decided she's too big for her britches. At first, I thought we were supposed to side with April during this current "school" arc, but I've changed my mind. Yesterday, we had Duncan and Eva both jumping to Gerald's defense, suggesting that he might be making a sensible choice for himself. Today Eva is forcing April to realize that she isn't as certain about her future as she thought she was.
Next, maybe Luis will point out that she's lucky to live in a country where people are able to choose between a life of music or a university education. If she were a refugee, she wouldn't have such options. And Shan...non will come along and say that she wishes university were in her future, but instead she'll have to settle for staying in high school until she's 21 and completing the Towards Independent Living program, and isn't Apes lucky, lucky, lucky?!?!?!?!
And Lynn will sit at her drafting table muttering, "I hate April and now all of you must hate her, too!"
Lynn is trying to show us that she doesn't mind betraying her characterization of April in order to make a cheap joke.
I should have seen that. Then again, I convinced myself that Eva was delivering a really subtle smackdown when she could have been sincere. April's expression is what made me think that, you see. She thinks she got owned when just maybe she didn't.
Yes, it's a cheap joke, but I just assumed April was talking that way because she's, you know, a teenager.
My sister has always known she wanted to be a doctor. However, even when she was in college and was asked about it, she would couch it in a lot of "maybes" and "I supposes." There is a strong bias against young women/girls who sound too definite in their ideas, so we learn to couch things in less definite terms to avoid being labeled cold, bitchy, and/or arrogant.
So I didn't think much of it.
About the college experience of Liz--she was shown studying a lot, and I remember that she was annoyed with Candace because she barely studied but made better grades. That always reinforced my opinion that Liz wasn't exactly the brightest bulb in the chandelier but wanted to go into teaching just so she could be a "Miss Edwards" and rescue students. Obviously, we have seen that Liz doesn't really like the nitty-gritty of real teaching.
I also thought Lynn enjoyed having Liz in college as sort of a way to "make up" for not having a care-free college experience herself, particularly as teaching was what she wanted Kate to go into. I can't see Lynn being much interested in the "vet" route, since Lynn doesn't seem to care very much for animals IRL. Nor seem to understand them very much.
But really, Lynn has made all the Pattersons so wishy-washy. Mike had to kind-of be pushed into quiting Portrait instead of just being dedicated to becoming a full-time writer, Liz is "kinda-sorta" going to get married "sometime"; the Faux-Patterson Granthony has to kinda-sorta propose when Warren is popping back into the picture, and now April is hesitant about a career Lynn has been pushing her into for years. But all good things will come to the Pattersons, because they don't try.
At first, I thought we were supposed to side with April during this current "school" arc, but I've changed my mind. Yesterday, we had Duncan and Eva both jumping to Gerald's defense, suggesting that he might be making a sensible choice for himself. Today Eva is forcing April to realize that she isn't as certain about her future as she thought she was.
That’s possible. Eva is a mixed bag when it comes to Gerald. In this strip, she is the one who informs on him to April with respect to his doing the telethon with Becky. Although she downplays how big a deal it is, she also laughs at April’s joke when she describes how she is going to hurt Gerald. Ultimately, April ended up forgiving Gerald, so Eva’s perspective appears to have been correct.
When it came to Becky, Eva and Duncan are on the anti-Becky rampage in this strip, and they seem to hold this position, so April can look better in comparison by showing some compassion to Becky. If taken this way, then Eva and Duncan are taking their stance in order to make April look good that she has plans.
Then again, I convinced myself that Eva was delivering a really subtle smackdown when she could have been sincere. April's expression is what made me think that, you see.
Those expressions are hard to read. Eva looks sincere to me; but April looks gobsmacked. Duncan has a weird smile on his face looking at Eva, like maybe she wasn’t sincere. I don’t know. The expressions are not clear to me.
There is a strong bias against young women/girls who sound too definite in their ideas, so we learn to couch things in less definite terms to avoid being labeled cold, bitchy, and/or arrogant.
Ah yes, the dreaded passive feminine language. It could be the effect of being a young woman dealing with a bias, or it could just be the natural way Pattersons speak. My sister doesn’t use much passive language. She attributes this to learning how to be a New York girl (a tough girl who doesn’t take grief from anyone) during the years she lived in New York.
I can't see Lynn being much interested in the "vet" route, since Lynn doesn't seem to care very much for animals IRL. Nor seem to understand them very much.
I am sure the “vet” route was chosen for no other reason than to be an homage to real-life Beth Cruikshank, who appears to have chosen Team Lynn in the breakup between her brother Rod, and Lynn.
But all good things will come to the Pattersons, because they don't try.
That should be the family motto.
So true--Lynn would severely screw up in depicting a vet. However, you know we would never see April at work. The only women we ever see at work are in "pink collar" professions: Elly with her children's book store, Liz as a teacher, even Anne Nichols at her catering job. Cooking and taking care of kids? A-OK in Lynn's book. But do we ever see Dee the pharmacist at work? No. Did we ever see Connie the radiology tech at work? No. And I think it's because Lynn does not find it cute or funny or interesting when a woman has a job that isn't traditionally female. I think she sees it as a detriment to that character's attractiveness/desirability. Also, I think Lynn knows she couldn't depict those professions well.
I think April has gone in the vet direction because Lynn knows the strip is ending, and won't have to follow up on it. If the strip weren't ending, she would be teaching guitar lessons to children, or something like that.
So true--Lynn would severely screw up in depicting a vet. However, you know we would never see April at work.
I have seen how Lynn loves to show an animal making a fool out of a Patterson woman like Shiimsa with Liz and the horse Tawny with April. It even works in the profession, with Dylan and then Jesse Mukwa making a fool of Liz in her job. As a veterinarian, it would be too easy to set up April to look like an idiot with her inability to handle a particular feisty (but still adorably cute) animal. I think we would definitely see April at work as a veterinarian. Unfortunately, she would probably come off as a bumbling incompetent, much the way Liz does when she deals with Shiimsa.
That's a good point. It would be good fodder for Sunday strips, making April look like an idiot. But I doubt we'd see any substantive vet-ing.
Since April's panties have come up today, I thought I'd pass on the link to this disturbing addition to Lynn's website.
-Anon in Roch
But I doubt we'd see any substantive vet-ing.
There could be a heartwarming strip as April helps a young girl understand why her pet rabbit had to die.
LOL! Of course, instead of kindly euthanizing the rabbit, they just wait and watch him suffer a slow, agonizing death, all the while spouting platitudes about the circle of life.
Stop making good points, Howard. I hate when you prove me wrong. :)
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