Monday, March 24, 2008

John Knows, but Does April Know?

I love the way John Patterson describes Anthony as Elizabeth’s choice in today's For Better or For Worse. Back around February last year, John Patterson’s approach to Elizabeth’s love life seemed to be pretty much along those lines. Here’s Elizabeth with all these guys to choose from, and whether she will choose Boyfriend A, B, or C was a subject for debate and perhaps even betting. We make jokes about Liz and Anthony being in a marriage of convenience; but John Patterson has been putting forward that idea for a long time, even in front of Liz.

Then as an add-on line to make sure you that you know how Dr. John Patterson thinks about those things, he tosses in the line “two down and one to go” which shows he will be just as cavalier with April’s wedding as he is with Liz’s.

The man could care less about his daughters, and could care less if anyone knows it.


Blogger April Patterson said...

John's an ass. April hasn't even turned 17 yet, and he's jonesing to marry her off so she's out of his train house. If he's going to have that attitude, shouldn't he also be preparing dowries for the business transaction that is transferring his female offspring from his household to that of their spouses?

3:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Please please pleasey - the expression is: "couldN'T care less", even if a lot of people leave off the "n't" these days. :( If John COULD care less, it means he definitely DOES care, to at least a certain relevant degree. Which I doubt. :( )

*Enjoys reading your Fooblog, has issues about common-word-and-expression spelling or grammar mistakes that aren't obvious typos...*

4:04 AM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

All this because they cannot, in his mind, carry his name into the future. Establishing a train zombie dynasty is all that matters to him and his disdain for hyphenation makes him think they cannot do it so, since the outcome will not serve his needs, he chooses the least threatening-looking suitor as best.

4:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Run, April. Go to university far away and never look back. Ever.

I think Lynn showed her with earbuds, cell phone, and bubblegum as yet more "Martian" bullshit. To me, though, it looks like a defense mechanism so she doesn't have to pay attention to the Epic Fail and horrible mediocrity that surrounds her. Still, screw Lynn for not giving April a decent sisterly moment with Liz. She was my last hope to talk some sense into the stupid twit.

6:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is it with Lynn and "middle-class life equals success"? This reminds me how gosh-darn impressed Liz was with Anthony's "accomplishment" of having a kid, a house and a job.

Forget the college education, forget being a teacher or person who makes a difference in the world, forget doing something that truly takes effort. The Pattersons settle for comfortable relationships, stay right in the hometown, and get jobs thrown at them. And this is an "accomplishment".

8:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And there it is--John EXPECTS April will marry someday, because it's something that people absolutely have to do.

And Elly thinks getting her kids married is an accomplishment. Whereas all it really indicates is that someone--good person or fool, who knows?--is willing to marry them.

You know, if your child is a good spouse and parent, and gets to their 25th wedding anniversary, that would be something to be proud of. Not the mere act of marrying.

8:49 AM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...


The Pattersons settle for comfortable relationships, stay right in the hometown, and get jobs thrown at them. And this is an "accomplishment".

They have to think that way. If they didn't, they'd realize how empty of purpose and real accomplishments their lives are and they don't have the courage or moral fibre to face that. These are, after all, people who think having a bowel movement was a worthy deed.

10:15 AM  
Blogger howard said...


If he's going to have that attitude, shouldn't he also be preparing dowries for the business transaction that is transferring his female offspring from his household to that of their spouses?

At least as far as Mike and Deanna are concerned, Elly and John have given very little to them. They paid for Deanna’s dress while the Sobinskis paid for everything else during the big second fake wedding; back in 2003, when Mike quit Portrait Magazine, Elly gave Mike a small loan, while the Sobinskis gave a substantial monetary gift; and then during the Sharon Park Drive house purchase, the Sobinskis gave a big chunk of their house downpayment, while the Pattersons gave them their old furniture they didn’t want anymore. Given this history, we can expect John and Elly will contribute the smallest amount possible to both Liz and April’s weddings.

10:59 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Could NOT care less. Got it. A quick internet search shows this is a pet peeve for proper grammar users, and I think I have been misusing it for awhile. But, I will wallow in ignorance no more (at least about this particular grammar faux pas).

11:00 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Still, screw Lynn for not giving April a decent sisterly moment with Liz.

I agree. Telling your sister or your father about being engaged is a big moment, and I was surprised that Lynn Johnston would not have Liz tell John and April directly about it instead of going through Elly.

11:03 AM  
Blogger howard said...


The Pattersons settle for comfortable relationships, stay right in the hometown, and get jobs thrown at them. And this is an "accomplishment".

In many respects I think this reflect Lynn Johnston’s own desires for her children and a little subtle message she is trying to send to them.

11:10 AM  
Blogger howard said...


And Elly thinks getting her kids married is an accomplishment. Whereas all it really indicates is that someone--good person or fool, who knows?--is willing to marry them.

To be fair, Elly and John have been pushing Anthony on Liz for so long, and Liz has been destroying most of her relationships for so long; you could reasonably consider this to be an accomplishment.

11:11 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Establishing a train zombie dynasty is all that matters to him and his disdain for hyphenation makes him think they cannot do it so, since the outcome will not serve his needs, he chooses the least threatening-looking suitor as best.

My impression was that both John and Elly’s admiration for Anthony was based on their impression that Anthony was like John. I don’t remember a train zombie dynasty desire. Was there a strip I missed?

11:21 AM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...


I over-reached with my talk of dynasties there. John loves the idea of Anthony and what he represents because he doesn't have to contemplate an alternative to the way he does things. Train Man is very rigid in his thinking and doesn't like the idea of change so a suitor who will carry his values forward into the future is best.

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Do you think Laura Piché drew April in today’s strip?

Anon NYC

6:19 PM  
Blogger howard said...

Anon NYC,

Do you think Laura Piché drew April in today’s strip?

There are two artists at work. You can see in panel 3, Lynn probably drew April’s head and 4 fingers of her left hand. Laura Piché probably drew the rest. This is why the neck does not connect the head to the body properly, why the thickness of the lines of the fingers do not match the thickness of the arm and the thumb, and why the thumb is so disproportionately short compared to the fingers.

11:39 PM  

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