Thursday, October 19, 2006

Mind of a Child, But What Grade?

In today’s For Better or For Worse, my key words were “mind of a child” which I used throughout the characters I posted for today. My best use of the term came with Constable Paul Wright describing Liz’s reaction to the news. The rest, less so. I finished up the story involving Jeremy Jones and Zenia Parkinson. I had briefly considered the possibility of turning Jeremy into a goth boy as a part of Zenia / Jeremy romance, but I started losing interest in the idea. So, I just wrote a little finish off for it. As I went through the Blog entries for susannamoodie’s material, I realized that Zenia was the main z-girl who spent time with her Zandra Larson character, and I had not made the connection why she wasn’t around for this school year until susannamoodie had Zandra point out she graduated and went to university. This was not stated at all in the We Seldom Look on Love site, but the evidence was there. I was impressed susannamoodie had put this much backstory into what was a peripheral character for her Zandra Blog.

The other thing I noticed as things on April’s Real Blog heated up between underpantz’s post as Iris and my posts as Michael, was that Michael and Liz’s not spending time with Grandpa Jim corresponds very directly to Grandpa Jim’s involvement with Iris. When Grandma Marian was still alive, they were more involved with him than afterwards. Liz has never, ever been to their apartment in the on-line archives going back to 2003 and Michael has been there only 2 times. I know the real reason is because Lynn Johnston writes for Liz and Michael in their own little universes, but for those of us who like to fill in the missing spaces, one could say that maybe Mike and Liz and maybe even John too, don’t like Iris. John was awfully stoic, when Iris tried to hug him a few weeks back.

Tomorrow’s strip: And suddenly a shift in mood from “Grandpa Jim is a vegetable” to “Grandpa Jim doesn’t want to eat his vegetables.” Now I don’t whether to feel sorry for Grandpa Jim or feel sorry for myself knowing I am going to be reading some truly awful Grandpa Jim thought balloons.


Blogger April Patterson said...

Sorry for us, having to read the dreadful thought balloons, definitely!

After work today, my husband, son, and I are going to a potluck dinner, and I don't expect to be able to post at all this evening. I will try to get a post up during my lunch if I can snag a computer at the library, but I can't guarantee it!

If any of your characters can take April along with you somewhere to account for here whereabouts when I'm not posting, that would be fabulous! If you can't, that's okay, too! :)

4:14 AM  
Blogger howard said...

I will see what April can do this evening to keep herself occupied. Have fun at the potluck dinner, i.e. eats lots of different people's recipes. It's also a great opportunity to see if your boy likes different kinds of foods than what you usually make for him.

6:55 AM  

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