Thursday, February 25, 2010

John and Elly Retcon Their Relationship

Just when I think I have Lynn Johnston’s reprint scheme figured out, today’s reprint in For Better or For Worse jumps back from April, 1981 to March 5, 1981; to the reprint strip just following this reprint strip, which was the last March strip she did just before she jumped to the April parent-teacher conference strips. So maybe she didn’t jump over the March strips because she was confused about which one she reprinted. Maybe she jumped over the March strips because she wanted to keep a school theme going.

The most shocking thing though is that Lynn Johnston would choose to reprint this strip, with John and Elly talking about how well they talk to each other. Considering the general theme of the reprints and new-runs has been to paint John Patterson in the worst possible light, this reprint is not in keeping with the rest of Lynn’s reprint choices.

As for the strip itself, it runs to the category I would call, “What kind of conversation would John and Elly have, if John were actually another Elly?” I have never had this kind of conversation with my wife. What self-respecting man would use the words, “honest” and “feelings” in a sentence? It goes against the man code. It’s against all the man rules. Do you lead a dull life, John? No, but certainly you lead a life where you have clearly gotten in touch with your feminine side. Your only chance for redemption, is if you think that by talking this way, you might get some.


Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

What self-respecting man would use the words, “honest” and “feelings” in a sentence? It goes against the man code. It’s against all the man rules. Do you lead a dull life, John? No, but certainly you lead a life where you have clearly gotten in touch with your feminine side. Your only chance for redemption, is if you think that by talking this way, you might get some.

If so, he blew it in Panel 4; his posing that particular question is probably what touched off this charming little tableau.

10:14 PM  
Blogger howard said...

I hadn't thought about it that way, but you may be right. There is no telling exactly what Elly's reaction expression in Panel 4 means.

5:24 AM  
Blogger FDChief said...

Enh. I don't think that the whole "honest feelings" is so out of line - it's the sort of thing a guy WOULD say to his girl if he was trying to impress her with how emo and BFF-y he was. And John is the sort of smug jackhole who would do something like that.

No, it's the whole "dull life" comment in panel 4. Every guy I know - and that includes me - equates no drama/no fighting with a happy relationship. If she's not throwing coffee cups at my head or screaming at me, she must be going around in a fuzzy pink cloud of happy, right?

Elly's reaction? I have no idea other than Lynn intended it to be a sort of squash-and-stretch funny to point up the "joke".

Her gag-a-day strips really weren't much good; Sparky without the subtle wry. Of course, after Connie-the-failed-slut, even this looks good-ish...

12:16 PM  
Blogger howard said...

Every guy I know - and that includes me - equates no drama/no fighting with a happy relationship.

I did date one girl back in my single days who enjoyed the fighting because she got very emotional when it came to making up. In other words, she would pick a fight over some small matter, and if I got to the "I'm sorry. It's all my fault." part, then she would turn very lovey-dovey. That would last for a little while, until the next fight. The lovey-dovey part was very nice, but the fighting to get to that part was difficult. Maybe this is what John Patterson has in mind.

4:38 PM  

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