Sunday, September 06, 2009

Bad at Parenting, Great at Guilt

One of my favourite new-runs in For Better or For Worse was the one from September 30, 2008; where Elly Patterson talked about how she was so busy at home, she didn’t even have time to read a newspaper. John had time to read a newspaper; but not poor, constantly-labouring Elly. I think it is appropriate that here on Labour Day, in addition to thinking about how quiet her house is with Michael at school, the first thing you see is that Elly’s labour has decreased to the point where she can actually take the time to read a newspaper.

As for me, personally I found that my kids in the 0 – 2 year age range kept me a lot busier than kids who were 6 years old, when they were at home. Fortunately, Elly doesn’t have to deal with my kids. She has little Lizzie, a girl who apparently doesn’t make a sound; and who is such a gentle eater, that she does not make a mess when she eats; and she even picks her teeth with a toothpick. Little Lizzie appears to be a girl so demure that you can put her in the crib for a nap, without changing her diaper first; and when she doesn’t look like she is the slightest bit sleepy. No wonder Elly considers the house to be quiet with Michael gone, if her other child is like that.

How long should Elly feel guilty for enjoying Michael’s departure to school? At the heart of the matter is whether Elly should feel guilty at all. She lives in a country that can afford to educate its children. That’s a good thing, not a bad thing. Does Elly think she should be home-schooling Michael? Does she think that any parent who enjoys a relief of burden from dealing with their child should feel guilty? Does she feel that a parent should want to be around their child 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Or is this simply another case of Elly finding a way to make herself miserable, when she should be very happy?

Elly is good at guilt.


Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

At the heart of the matter is whether Elly should feel guilty at all. She lives in a country that can afford to educate its children. That’s a good thing, not a bad thing. Does Elly think she should be home-schooling Michael? Does she think that any parent who enjoys a relief of burden from dealing with their child should feel guilty? Does she feel that a parent should want to be around their child 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Or is this simply another case of Elly finding a way to make herself miserable, when she should be very happy?

As you said, it's the latter; Elly is too damned self-important to be happy about anything. As P.J. O'Rourke said, serious is stupid sent to college.

3:35 AM  
Blogger howard said...


As you said, it's the latter; Elly is too damned self-important to be happy about anything.

Right again. When my son went to First Grade, I was worried about how my son would do, not feeling guilty I enjoyed my time away from him. Elly’s emphasis is always about herself.

4:24 AM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

Or is this simply another case of Elly finding a way to make herself miserable, when she should be very happy?

Nail hit on head. She's only happy when it rains... She's only happy when it's complicated. ;)

5:49 AM  
Blogger howard said...


She's only happy when it rains... She's only happy when it's complicated. ;)

And yet the appeal of the strip is that so many moms out there feel the same as Elly. I wonder if it's a "I'm a terrible mom; but Elly Patterson is worse than I am, so I feel better about myself" kind of thing.

8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I vote that the reason Elly feels guilty is not because of "nothing to do" (Heaven knows, there is ALWAYS something to clean), but that she realizes how little she likes Mike.

I always felt Elly doesn't like any of her kids; they are here duty, period.

3:10 PM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

I wonder if it's a "I'm a terrible mom; but Elly Patterson is worse than I am, so I feel better about myself" kind of thing.

Hm. Maybe that's it. "I thought I'd overreacted to that situation--but at least I didn't unhinge my jaw, shriek, and throw a coffee cup at someone's head!"

3:13 PM  

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