Thursday, June 18, 2009

Daily Cartoonist Article I Missed

This is the link to a Daily Cartoonist article I missed. I probably ignored it, because it refers to an interview with Lynn Johnston in the Peterborough Examiner I had already seen. What got me excited is that there is a comment to the article from my old favourite Laura Piché. Laura is a former Lynn Johnston staffer who has in the past made my day by taking the time to write to the Howard Bunt Blog. The Peterborough Examiner article has been one of the most illuminating with respect to understanding Lynn Johnston's unusual perspective on things, which often comes out in her comic strip, even in its earliest years. For example, the reference to John Patterson as "Daddy" in today's strip shows up there to let us know this was not a dog-only reference for Lynn. Check it out if you are interested.


Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

I noticed that Allison Zadorozny backed Laura up; granted, she did so to get people focused on the strip and not Lynn's need to promote herself but at least she got involved.

10:30 PM  
Blogger howard said...

The timing of their messages seems to indicate that Allison and Laura were commenting in a combined effort in support of each other. The Peterborough Examiner article was one of the few articles to talk about the staff layoff, Lynn's efforts to get the staff to teach her their jobs so she could lay them off (tacky at best), and mentioned Lynn's fiction that the staff knew the layoffs were coming for 7 years prior. Those statements probably would not sit well with Laura or Allison.

I remember when Laura wrote to this Blog years ago, how enthusiastic she was about Lynn Johnston and she spoke about how talented Lynn Johnston was. In many respects, the way the situation ended up was very sad. It's one thing for us to sit back and indirectly watch Lynn self-destruct; but I am sure it was not pleasant at all, up close and personal.

12:04 AM  
Anonymous Allison Zadorozny said...

Yes, my comment was to back up Laura in the hope that people wouldn't believe everything they read and that they would pay more attention to FBorFW and not the drama at that time.

6:04 AM  
Blogger howard said...

Allison Zadorozny,

Thanks for your comments to my blog. My encounter with Laura Piché on the Howard Bunt Blog was very pleasant, and I am glad you were there to back her up.

My opinion of the Peterborough Examiner article was that there was much in it which was obviously unbelievable. If anything, it caused me to pay more attention to FBorFW, especially when it came to comic strips dealing with money.

As for the drama, I think we all breathed a sigh of relief when Lynn Johnston had some interviews recently where she didn't bring the subject up again.

Thanks for stopping in and feel free to come back and comment whenever you like. I am sure you have some insights to the characters in FBorFW which the average comic strip reader would not.

6:30 AM  
Anonymous Allison Zadorozny said...

Oh, I've been dropping in for a while now. ;-)

5:49 AM  

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