Recycled Hockey Joke
In spite of the fact that Lynn Johnston is recycling another joke she has done a few times before, I liked the strip. Lynn has taken to doing “funny” names in the new-runs for For Better or For Worse and she really runs the well dry in the strip going up to 6 “funny” names. Clearly all the hockey players were recruited from persons who went to Dr. Patterson for dental work. Someone should tell her that 6 “funny” names does not equal 6 times funnier.
The funniest parts of the strip are the various facial expressions on Ted and John as they watch the game. The best of these is the one with Ted hugging John. Second best is the second panel from the end where John appears to have grown a hunchback. Strangely enough, Lynn sabotages the best element of the strip by doing so many panels with full silhouette and featuring no background characters at all who are not in silhouette. Amorphous black blobs are just not that funny. The other sabotage is the repetition of the facial expressions. John triangle mouth point up for sad, triangle mouth point down for happy repeated again and again. If Lynn had done this strip in 1980, she would have done it better.
Oddly enough the part I liked best about the entire strip was that neither Ted nor John got slammed for being at a bar and watching a hockey game.
Now, let’s look at a history of this joke:
2/4/2007- The joke about being exhausted after watching hockey with April and Gerald watching a live game.
I liked this strip. I believe it was the only strip showing Gerald and April out on a date by themselves and not as a part of their group or as a part of the band.
2/9/1997 - The joke about not having done anything with Weed and Mike watching hockey at a bar.
This is one is a little obvious, with Weed specifically pointing out that he and Mike did nothing to help their hockey team. Jokes are never as funny when you have to explain the punch line.
3/7/1997 – Sally and Elizabeth being ignored for hockey after inviting their respective boyfriends over.
This is one is the best of the bunch, with Sally and Elizabeth both paying the price for trying to get the better of each other.
On a personal note: My mother-in-law has been taken out of the ICU to a regular hospital room. She’s not well enough to go home; but this is a majour improvement.
The funniest parts of the strip are the various facial expressions on Ted and John as they watch the game. The best of these is the one with Ted hugging John. Second best is the second panel from the end where John appears to have grown a hunchback. Strangely enough, Lynn sabotages the best element of the strip by doing so many panels with full silhouette and featuring no background characters at all who are not in silhouette. Amorphous black blobs are just not that funny. The other sabotage is the repetition of the facial expressions. John triangle mouth point up for sad, triangle mouth point down for happy repeated again and again. If Lynn had done this strip in 1980, she would have done it better.
Oddly enough the part I liked best about the entire strip was that neither Ted nor John got slammed for being at a bar and watching a hockey game.
Now, let’s look at a history of this joke:
2/4/2007- The joke about being exhausted after watching hockey with April and Gerald watching a live game.
I liked this strip. I believe it was the only strip showing Gerald and April out on a date by themselves and not as a part of their group or as a part of the band.
2/9/1997 - The joke about not having done anything with Weed and Mike watching hockey at a bar.
This is one is a little obvious, with Weed specifically pointing out that he and Mike did nothing to help their hockey team. Jokes are never as funny when you have to explain the punch line.
3/7/1997 – Sally and Elizabeth being ignored for hockey after inviting their respective boyfriends over.
This is one is the best of the bunch, with Sally and Elizabeth both paying the price for trying to get the better of each other.
On a personal note: My mother-in-law has been taken out of the ICU to a regular hospital room. She’s not well enough to go home; but this is a majour improvement.
Oddly enough the part I liked best about the entire strip was that neither Ted nor John got slammed for being at a bar and watching a hockey game.That's what I liked about it too. Neither Elly or Lynn might be into sports but it's one of the few passions they don't begrudge other people.
As for the real and more important world, that's great news. Let's hope her road to recovery is a short one.
Neither Elly or Lynn might be into sports but it's one of the few passions they don't begrudge other people.Lynn is smart enough (or Canadian enough) not to put off her hockey-loving fan base.
As for the real and more important world, that's great news. Let's hope her road to recovery is a short one.I hope so too.
Renegade repeats and regurgitating reruns. How about retirement?
Hockey is "Canada's National Sport", isn't it? ^^ Probably why Lynn showcases it.
The circle nose on Liz in that last strip looks seriously weird, especially as she is not supposed to be a small child. That was a rather odd period in Lynn's art.
Best wishes for your MIL's recovery!!
AnonymousRenegade repeats and regurgitating reruns. How about retirement?Really! That requires realizing her relapse.
The circle nose on Liz in that last strip looks seriously weird, especially as she is not supposed to be a small child. That was a rather odd period in Lynn's art.Yes. I call it the "Steal the Art Style from Charles Schulz" period.
You misspelled "Major." "Majour" is NOT a Canadian spelling!
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