Monday, December 15, 2008

House of Rude

How many examples of rudeness can you find in today’s reprint in For Better or For Worse? These are the ones I found:

1. When people knock on the door of the Patterson household, they are too rude to answer the door.
2. When a Patterson is visiting someone, he is too rude to wait for them to come to the door, but just opens the door saying, “Is anybody home?”
3. When a Patterson child is about to make a verbal faux pas, the Patterson mother is too rude to take the child aside and correct him; but instead must clamp her hand over his mouth to physically prevent him from speaking.
4. A Patterson child is too rude to give a visitor a proper greeting, but instead asks for gifts.
5. A Patterson child is too rude to wait for a visitor to give an expected gift, but instead opens the visitor’s luggage and starts rummaging for it.
6. A Patterson parent is too rude to stop their children from rummaging through visitors’ luggage.
7. A Patterson visitor is too rude to take the children rummaging through their luggage aside and let them know that they are being rude.

Any others you can think of?


Blogger Holly said...

Any others you can think of?

Mike has snatched Phil's suitcase while asking for presents.

11:21 PM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

I notice a half-smile on Elly's face while she's putting her hand on his mouth. This tells me that she thinks children are supposed to be rude; she only stops him from acting like a jackass because she wants to go through Phil's crap first.

3:35 AM  
Blogger howard said...


Mike has snatched Phil's suitcase while asking for presents.

Good one!

7:32 AM  
Blogger howard said...


I notice a half-smile on Elly's face while she's putting her hand on his mouth.

Oooh! Good catch!

7:33 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Not sure about the half-smile one . . . looks more like a hair to me.

Patterson parents will restrain their child physically from making an inappropriate comment, but not from digging through a guest's suitcase.

8:24 PM  

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