Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Skipping Strip #2

Since aprilp_katje so nicely scanned in the sequence of 3 strips involving life insurance, we can now see that Lynn Johnston has intentionally skipped past strip #2 of the sequence for today's For Better or For Worse. She has skipped the one where John is so concerned about the welfare of his family in case something happened to him, he can’t sleep. We will see tomorrow whether or not Lynn Johnston will go back to it; but I doubt it.

In the meantime, it’s interesting to see how the story plays out now that strip #2 has been eliminated. In Strip #1 from yesterday, we see John asking Elly about how much insurance he should get for death or dismemberment and Elly cries. Now, we jump to strip #3 and see John Patterson up and deciding that Elly should remarry if something happens to him. The way it looks now is the reader does not see the resolution of Elly crying and could come to the conclusion that John’s discussion at 2 am is a very poor response to Elly’s weeping. In fact, Elly’s comeback line about 2 am, makes it seem like John is responding too late to her needs. The humour of seeing John obsessed about taking care of his family is lost, and because it is gone, there is no setup for Strip #3. Now it is just John’s personal care for Elly, and without the reference to the life insurance from earlier, it seems less humourous and kind of creepy.

Leaving out Strip #2 seems to be a mistake now. It showed John caring for his family and Elly trying to understand John’s obsession, and concerned for him. Strip #1 is just upset Elly, and Strip #3 is rude John. Without Strip #2, we get uncaring Pattersons…again. Lynn Johnston pulled this stunt during the last year with her choice in hybrid reprints. One month into picking reprints for the new-runs, and it looks like she is back up to her old tricks. If it makes John look good, then it is out. After she showed Mike and John playing with each other on Sunday’s reprint, I thought that perhaps she was past that. I guess not.

Tomorrow’s strip will probably be the one chronologically after today’s strip, where Elly lists off the list of things she wants in a man, and John asks how she ended up with him. Then after that, a few new-run strips where Lynn Johnston hammers that point home, in the hope that her ex-husband gets the message. That’s my prediction.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL. I wonder if Rod was as arrogant and dickish as John is in this strip? Obviously, it is not for Dead John to decide whether Elly remarries or not. As if he could prevent it. ::snort::

And, of course Elly would remarry. She has no marketable skills. Can't see her selling the big house and moving to the kind of low-rent apartment that college dropouts with two kids can afford. People usually are advised to insure for five times their annual income, and many people don't buy that much. She would need to find some other jerk to support her. And you can bet Elly's first order of business would be to pin one down. Probably with the old "oops, I'm pregnant!" routine, since Elly really doesn't have any charms.

More and more, I am convinced that Elly/John and Lynn/Rod deserve(d) each other.

10:37 PM  
Blogger howard said...


Obviously, it is not for Dead John to decide whether Elly remarries or not. As if he could prevent it. ::snort::

It’s a strange thing to say to someone when there is no clear evidence of an imminent death. I had an ex-girlfriend who started talking that way to me about the person I would be dating next. It was a pretty good sign she planned to break things off with me.

And, of course Elly would remarry.

The follow-up strip to this one shows her thinking about it with a second thought. As far as being taken from Lynn’s real life, does this mean that Rod really asked the question, or did Lynn want Rod to ask that question?

11:41 PM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...


Leaving out Strip #2 seems to be a mistake now. It showed John caring for his family and Elly trying to understand John’s obsession, and concerned for him. Strip #1 is just upset Elly, and Strip #3 is rude John. Without Strip #2, we get uncaring Pattersons…again.

It's not a mistake in her eyes. She has no intention of showing John as being sincerely concerned about the future. She wants us to pity Elly because her mean old husband is trying to upset her with scary information and stating his intention to boss her around from beyond the grave. Elly is always right (especially when she's wrong) and John is always a jerk.

3:06 AM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...


She would need to find some other jerk to support her. And you can bet Elly's first order of business would be to pin one down. Probably with the old "oops, I'm pregnant!" routine, since Elly really doesn't have any charms.

The fact that Lynn would create a female character who would see this as a good thing reinforces your argument from yesterday; Elly is the avatar of a woman filled with loathing for herself and all other women.

3:09 AM  
Blogger howard said...


She wants us to pity Elly because her mean old husband is trying to upset her with scary information and stating his intention to boss her around from beyond the grave.

This is where Lynn is the least successful, especially when pulling old “pity Elly” strips out to reprint.

Elly is the avatar of a woman filled with loathing for herself and all other women.

And the scary part is that there are so many out there, who think she is an avatar for them.

10:10 AM  

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