Tuesday, October 16, 2007


When it comes to predicting For Better or For Worse plotlines, there is always an element of it, where you think to yourself, “The most ridiculous way this story could go is this, and it so ridiculous, Lynn Johnston would never do it, simply out of self-respect.” As Michael Patterson launches into a publicity tour which would cause best-selling authors to feel envy, I feel embarrassed. As often as I have written as the Michael Patterson character in April’s Real Blog, where he would mouth off about becoming a best-selling author and having his novel declared to be the great Canadian novel, it is a lot less funny to see Lynn Johnston actually doing it. It hammers home the idea that the once great Canadian cartoonist, has lost it. She might as well have Michael be bitten by a radioactive spider and turned into Spider-Mike, with this kind of plotting.

For my enjoyment, I have instead turned to the background characters of today’s strip. I note that Deanna Patterson never says anything to Mike throughout the strip, and continues on dusting, even replacing the bowl and canister on top of the television set after she has dusted it as evidenced in the final panel. The woman could care less about Mike and his publicity tour, and is not making any effort to disguise her disinterest.

The children’s interactions are also interesting. While Merrie is sharp enough to pick out of Mike’s list of publicity areas, that he is going to be on television. Robin is too stupid to realize that Mike doesn’t have to be in a television set to be on television.


Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

Ah, poor Robin. Something's wrong with that kid. Lynn may think to herself that she's copying Bil Keane and showing us children too new to this world to really know what's going on but are fine otherwise but the way she does it, he looks like he, too, will be standing on a cafteria table (referencing another unbelievable story arc) when he's in Grade 11.

2:48 AM  
Blogger April Patterson said...

Yes, that kid's just not right. And I loved the Dee-disinterest. It was so odd. I guess if she were more Elly-like, she'd unhinge her jaw and shriek that she can't possibly allow him to run off doing publicity and leave her alone with them, aka the children.

From yesterday:

Could it be that Elly as the ideal, would be the MOB who lets the bride do everything herself, and then just shows up at the wedding? It would seem odd, but so Elly-like.

Good point. It would seem odd, but Lynn probably does have some pretty odd ideas about how a mother of the bride should act--probably in anti-Mira fashion, whatever that requires.

And I agree that Liz will probably go for some understated wedding designed to show how wonderful and atypical she is. ::rolleyes::

4:13 AM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

It's almost as if when she contemplates Mike that all she sees is a dollar sign. She certainly doesn't seem care for him as a human being. What matters to her is the money he can bring in. What he does with it afterwards isn't as imprtant. Where Mira pushed Wilf to make his mark to provide good things for his family, Deanna might almost be said to define herself by the money she and her husband can waste.

4:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I found interesting about today's strip -- and I don't view the colored version -- is Dee is still dressed in her work clothes. I don't know about the rest of you but when I come home from work, I change ... unless I intend (hope) to go back out later and what I have on works for that purpose. But Dee is dressed in her pharmacy uniform and cleaning house. The poor woman hasn't gotten a chance to change!


7:59 AM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

What bothers me is wondering what the dickens Meredith is wearing. The Yahoo colorist had it as purple, the local as yellow but whatever color it is, it looks like she's wearing something too many sizes too large. Did Deanna buy it third-hand in thre hopes that the child would grow into it so she could avoid shopping for clothes for the next decade?

9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*What bothers me is wondering what the dickens Meredith is wearing.*

Not only that, but her face in panel 3 looks like that of a full-grown woman, and in panel 4, in proportion to her, Robin looks like the jolly green giant - if you can imagine him standing up, he'd be twice as tall as Merrie. Furthermore, look at his thigh and her forearm - she looks like a doll in comparison.

Bad, bad drawing. This is pitiful.

3:00 PM  
Blogger DreadedCandiru2 said...

Pitiful artwork matching horrible dialogue as part of an unrealistic plotline. Lynn has hit the trifecta of failure today. But who cares! She met Charles Schulz![/sarcasm]

3:14 PM  
Blogger howard said...


Like you, I have high hopes for Elizabeth’s wedding. I have been waiting for it for years now, and I am sure Lynn Johnston will use the opportunity to trot out some of the best/worst writing she can put forth. This is assuming, of course, she doesn’t show us the beginning of the wedding and then jump to afterwards and have people talk about it, or have Liz and Anthony discuss their wedding in flashback. That would start riots even in the Yahoo group.

9:08 PM  
Blogger howard said...


I am afraid I fall into the category of the non-changer. My wife often has to say to me, “You might want to change into something more comfortable.” Or “Don’t clean in that outfit. You’ll ruin it.”

9:10 PM  

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